
A vision based AI smart audio controller // using opencv/ mediapipe hands

Primary LanguagePython


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to control volume of ur TV, computers and many smart devices using a cameras making them smarter . AI, Because it learns through experience, the more it is used, the smarter it becomes.

You can still build a home theatre setup using large speakers and soundbars, or your computers, raspberry pis, jetson nanos , your smart TVs, your CARs etc..


google's mediapipe Hands

mediapipe hands ?

MediaPipe Hands is a high-fidelity hand and finger tracking solution. It employs machine learning (ML) to infer 21 3D landmarks of a hand from just a single frame. Whereas current state-of-the-art approaches rely primarily on powerful desktop environments for inference, our method achieves real-time performance on a mobile phone, and even scales to multiple hands

here both windows and linux users can try out.


pip install opencv-python -u
pip install mediapipe
pip install pycaw

python vol_cont-WINDOWS.py

pycaw ?

Python Core Audio Windows Library, working for both Python2 and Python3

linux: rasp/ubuntu/jetson nano etc..
pip3 install opencv-python -u
pip3 install mediapipe
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
pip3 install pyalsaaudio

python3 vol_cont-LINUX.py

alsaaudio ?

Python Core Audio Library,for linux machines working for both Python2 and Python3


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