
All Functionalities Swipe Mockup 1 Powered By Work Manager Swipe Mockup2

Project Architecture

Please read this Readme File before evaluating codebase.

How to use this App.

1.Install the app from the below drive link.
2.Enable Notification and File Permission
3.Upload New Data By Clicking the Floating Action Button.
4.You will get notified if its uploaded to server
5.Refresh The List to get new Data.

Install App From here : Drive link

MVVM + CLEAN Principles

The Code base is neatly Documented

In this project I used

  • Koin for depedency Injection
  • Work Manager for uploading data to Server.
  • Room for local caching of data
  • shimmer for showing the loading progress (note : I had delayed responses from server for 1 sec to show shimmer)
  • Diff Util to efficiently Update the data
  • StateFlows to update the UI
  • flow operations for functions such as searching
  • Glide to load images
  • splash screen to show branding image at cold start.
  • Neatly Documnted Code

Project Structure

  • Data
    • Entities
    • Repository Implementation,
    • Datasources
  • DI
    • Depedency Injection
  • Domain
    • Repository
    • Model
    • Usecases
    • Workers
  • helpers
    • Extensive Functions,
    • Utils
  • Presentation
    • Contains UI Elements
    • ViewModels
    • States
    • Events

Contact Information

email :

phone : +917093219037
