
A package to simplify working with symmetry-adapted quantum many-body bases. Provides a good foundation for writing custom exact diagonalization and variational Monte Carlo software

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

lattice_symmetries LinuxOS X


A package to simplify working with symmetry-adapted quantum many-body bases (think spin systems). It is written with two main applications in mind:

lattice_symmetries provides a relatively low-level (and high-performance) interface to working with symmetries and Hilbert space bases and operators. If all you want to do it to diagonalize a spin Hamiltonian, have a look at SpinED application which uses lattice_symmetries under the hood and provides high-level and user-friendly interface to exact diagonalization.

🙏 Help wanted!

There are a few improvements to this package which could benefit a lot of people, but I do not really have time to do them all myself...

  1. Distributed matrix-vector products. It would be nice to be able to run SpinED on, say, 4 nodes to have a bit more memory. (Good project for a Master thesis).
  2. Fermion basis which handles symmetries properly. This would open up a possibility to use SpinED (or lattice_symmetries directly) as a DMFT solver. This is a matter of plugging -1s in the right places, but should be done carefully! (Good project for a Master thesis).
  3. Sublattice-coding techniques. This could potentially speed-up ls_get_state_info function (see C API documentation for more info). Whether it will actually help is not clear at all since batching of symmetries already does a great performance-wise... (Good project for a Bachelor thesis)

If you are interested in working on one of these ideas, please, do not hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to discuss it further and guide you through it.


📜 Citing

If you are using this package in your research, please, consider citing the following paper:

  title={lattice-symmetries: A package for working with quantum many-body bases},
  author={Tom Westerhout},

🚀 Installing

System requirements:

  • Linux or OS X operating system (although OS X support is not well tested);
  • x86-64 processor with nehalem (released in 2008) or newer microarchitecture.

ℹ️ Note: even though we list Nehalem as the oldest supported microarchitecture, the library is not Intel only. The code will work on AMD processors just fine (and just as fast).


If you are mainly going to use the Python interface, using Conda is the suggested way of installing the package.

conda install -c twesterhout lattice-symmetries

ℹ️ Note: Conda package installs both C and Python interfaces, so even if you do not need the Python interface, using conda is the simplest way to get started.

Compiling from source

If you are going to contribute to the project or just want to have more control over the installation, it is possible to compile lattice_symmetries from source. There are almost no external dependencies so the process is quite simple. You will need the following:

  • C & C++ compiler (with C++17 support);
  • GNU Make or Ninja;
  • CMake (3.15+);
  • Git

We also provide a Conda environment files for Linux and macOS which contains the required dependencies (except Git).

First step is to clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/twesterhout/lattice-symmetries.git
cd lattice-symmetries
git submodule update --init --recursive

Create a directory where build artifacts will be stored:

mkdir build
cd build

Run the configure step which will determine the compilers to use, download dependencies etc.


The following CMake parameters affect the build:

  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: when ON shared version of the library will be built, otherwise -- static. Note that static library cannot be loaded from Python. It is suggested to use the shared version unless you know what you are doing.
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: where to install the library.
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: typically Release for optimized builds and Debug for development and testing.
  • LatticeSymmetries_ENABLE_UNIT_TESTING: when ON unit tests will be compiled (default: ON).
  • LatticeSymmetries_ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: when ON, clang-tidy will be used for static analysis. Note that this slows down the compilation quite a bit.
  • Other standard CMake flags such as CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, etc.

Build the library:

cmake --build .

And finally install it:

cmake --build . --target install

Now you can install Python wrappers using pip:

cd .. # leave build/ directory
python3 -m pip install -e python/

Note that Python code uses pkg-config to determine the location of liblattice_symmetries.so (or .dylib). Make sure you either set PKG_CONFIG_PATH appropriately or install into a location known to pkg-config.

🏄‍♀️ Example

example/getting_started folder contains main.py and main.c files which illustrate very basic usage of the package from both Python and C. The code contains explanatory comments.

To run the example from Python simply type:

$ cd example/getting_started
$ python3 main.py
Symmetry group contains 20 elements
Hilbert space dimension is 13
Ground state energy is -18.0617854180

To run the example from C we first need to compile it:

$ # (Optionally) tell pkg-config where lattice_symmetries library was installed.
$ # If you installed the package using Conda, it's already taken care of for you.
$ #
$ # export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
$ cc `pkg-config --cflags lattice_symmetries` -o main main.c `pkg-config --libs lattice_symmetries`

Now we can run it as well:

$ # (Optionally) tell ld where lattice_symmetries library was installed:
$ # If you installed the package using Conda, it's already taken care of for you.
$ #
$ # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ ./main
Symmetry group contains 20 elements
Hilbert space dimension is 13
Ground state energy is -18.0617854180

🚴 Performance

The only package (that I'm aware of) with similar functionality to lattice_symmetries is QuSpin. Hence, we compare the performance of lattice_symmetries to QuSpin.

ℹ️ Disclaimer: all benchmarks were run on 2-socket AMD EPYC 7502 with 64 cores (32 per socket). You may get different results depending on which processor you use.

Scripts for running the benchmarks and plotting are available in benchmark/ folder.

Constructing basis representatives

Let us start with an operation which focuses solely on groups and symmetries. When working in symmetry-adapted bases, one typically works with orbits rather than spin configurations. For each orbit we store a special element (usually the one which has the smallest integer representation) and call it the orbit's representative. To determine the Hilbert space dimension, construct a Hamiltonian, and do exact diagonalization one first needs to find all such representatives. This is a computationally-heavy operation since one typically has to loop over either 2ᴺ or C(N, N/2) spin configurations (even though the dimension of the Hilbert space may be a 100 or even a 1000 times smaller).

In the following plot we compare how much time lattice_symmetries and QuSpin libraries spend finding representatives for square lattices of various sizes. In all cases we include as many symmetries as possible (U(1), translations, reflections, where possible rotations, and where possible global spin inversion).

We clearly see that lattice_symmetries outperforms QuSpin for systems ≥30 spins. Results for smaller systems should be taken with a grain of salt, because Python overhead starts to play an important role, and the comparison is not fair anymore.

Note also that on top of being faster lattice_symmetries is also more memory efficient (disclaimer: this is only the case for QuSpin with OpenMP support; in serial mode QuSpin does not waste memory, but is at least another order of magnitude slower). This is especially important for systems of ≥42 spins where just storing a vector of representatives requires more than 20GB of RAM.

Calculating matrix-vector products

Let us now consider the matrix-vector products which are the most important operation for sparse linear algebra problems, and eigenvalue problems in particular. We will consider the case when the matrix is defined implicitly, without storing all matrix elements.

We again consider square lattices of various sizes. We will use simple Heisenberg interaction between nearest neighbours as our matrix. In the following plot we compare how much time lattice_symmetries and QuSpin libraries spend computing a single matrix-vector product.

Depending on the system, speedups vary from 5 to 22 times, but in all cases lattice_symmetries performs better.

Key concepts

In this section we briefly review the construction and of symmetry-adapted bases and operators. Since this topic is well known (Sandvik2010), only the key concepts which are necessary to understand high-level algorithms in lattice_symmetries, are discussed here.

Suppose that we are dealing with a system of N spins numbered from 0 to N−1. It is described by a Hamiltonian H which commutes with a collection of symmetry generators Tk. Tk’s form a group G. If G admits an irreducible one-dimensional representation χ: G → ℂ, we can restrict our Hilbert space to the subspace of vectors which are eigenstates of symmetry operators g ∈ G with the corresponding eigenvalues χ(g). This is done by introducing a smaller basis in terms of the original basis {|σ⟩}. We effectively replace original elements |σ⟩ with orbits orbit(σ) = {g|σ⟩ | g∈G}. For each orbit we choose a representative vector as |σ̃⟩ = min orbit(σ) where ordering is defined by integer representations of spin configurations. Putting it all together, we define the symmetry-adapted basis: |S⟩ = norm * ∑g ∈ G χ*(g) g|σ̃⟩. Here, norm is chosen such that ⟨S|S⟩ = 1.


  1. Add the following include your source file

    #include <lattice_symmetries/lattice_symmetries.h>
  1. Link against liblattice_symmetries.so (or .dylib if you're on OS X, or .a if you're using the static version). pkg-config can take care of it for you.

Error handling

lattice_symmetries library uses status codes for reporting errors. ls_error_code specifies all possible status codes which can be returned by library functions:

typedef enum ls_error_code {
    LS_SUCCESS = 0,             ///< No error
    LS_OUT_OF_MEMORY,           ///< Memory allocation failed
    LS_INVALID_ARGUMENT,        ///< Argument to a function is invalid
    LS_INVALID_HAMMING_WEIGHT,  ///< Invalid Hamming weight
    LS_INVALID_SPIN_INVERSION,  ///< Invalid value for spin_inversion
    LS_INVALID_NUMBER_SPINS,    ///< Invalid number of spins
    LS_INVALID_PERMUTATION,     ///< Argument is not a valid permutation
    LS_INVALID_SECTOR,          ///< Sector exceeds the periodicity of the operator
    LS_INVALID_STATE,           ///< Invalid basis state
    LS_INVALID_DATATYPE,        ///< Invalid datatype
    LS_PERMUTATION_TOO_LONG,    ///< Such long permutations are not supported
    LS_INCOMPATIBLE_SYMMETRIES, ///< Symmetries are incompatible
    LS_NOT_A_REPRESENTATIVE,    ///< Spin configuration is not a representative
    LS_WRONG_BASIS_TYPE,        ///< Expected a basis of different type
    LS_CACHE_NOT_BUILT,         ///< List of representatives is not yet built
    LS_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE,     ///< Failed to open file
    LS_FILE_IO_FAILED,          ///< File input/output failed
    LS_CACHE_IS_CORRUPT,        ///< File does not contain a list of representatives
    LS_OPERATOR_IS_COMPLEX,     ///< Trying to apply complex operator to real vector
    LS_DIMENSION_MISMATCH,      ///< Operator dimension does not match vector length
    LS_SYSTEM_ERROR,            ///< Unknown error
} ls_error_code;

Names of the constants should explain errors pretty well, however for higher-level wrappers it is useful to convert these status codes to human-readable messages. ls_error_to_string function provides such functionality:

char const* ls_error_to_string(ls_error_code code);

ℹ️ Note: Even though internally the library is written in C++17, exceptions are disabled during compilation. I.e. we never throw exceptions, all errors are reported using status codes. This makes it easy and safe to use the library inside OpenMP loops.

Spin configuration

Depending on the context (i.e. whether it is known if the system size is less than 64) one of the following two types is used to represent spin configurations:

typedef uint64_t ls_bits64;

typedef struct ls_bits512 {
    ls_bits64 words[8];
} ls_bits512;

‼️ Warning: we do not support systems with more than 512 spins. This is a design decision to limit the memory footprint of a single spin configuration. If you really want to use lattice_symmetries for larger systems, please, let us know by opening an issue.

Each spin is represented by a single bit. The order of spins is determined by the underlying hardware endianness. For example, you can use the following functions to get the value (+1 or -1) of the nth spin:

int get_nth_spin_64(ls_bits64 const bits, unsigned const n)
    return 2 * (int)((bits >> n) & 1U) - 1;

int get_nth_spin_512(ls_bits512 const* bits, unsigned const n)
    return get_nth_spin_64(bits->words[n / 64U], n % 64U);

Ordering of spin configurations is defined by the following functions:

bool is_less_than_64(ls_bits64 const a, ls_bits64 const b)
    return a < b;

bool is_less_than_512(ls_bits512 const* a, ls_bits512 const* b)
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        if (is_less_than_64(a, b)) { return true; }
        if (is_less_than_64(b, a)) { return false; }
    return false;


Opaque struct representing a symmetry operator T:

typedef struct ls_symmetry ls_symmetry;

Symmetries are constructed and destructed using the following two functions:

ls_error_code ls_create_symmetry(ls_symmetry** ptr, unsigned length, unsigned const permutation[],
                                 unsigned sector);
void ls_destroy_symmetry(ls_symmetry* symmetry);

ls_create_symmetry accepts a permutation of indices {0, 1, ..., length-1} and sector specifying the eigenvalue.

Periodicity of a permutation operator T is the smallest positive integer N such that TN = 𝟙. It then follows that eigenvalues of T are roots of unity: exp(-2πⅈk/N) for k ∈ {0, ..., N-1}. sector argument specifies the value of k.

Upon successful completion of ls_create_symmetry (indicated by returning LS_SUCCESS), *ptr is set to point to the newly allocated ls_symmetry object. All pointers created using ls_create_symmetry must be destroyed using ls_destroy_symmetry to avoid memory leaks.

Example: the following code snippet constructs lattice momentum symmetry operator with eigenvalue exp(-πⅈ/4):

unsigned const permutation[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0};
ls_symmetry* symmetry;
ls_error_code status = ls_create_symmetry(&symmetry, 8, permutation, 1);
if (status != LS_SUCCESS) { /* handle error */ }
/* Do stuff with symmetry */

Various properties can be accessed using getter functions:

unsigned ls_get_periodicity(ls_symmetry const* symmetry);
void ls_get_eigenvalue(ls_symmetry const* symmetry, _Complex double* out);
unsigned ls_get_sector(ls_symmetry const* symmetry);
double ls_get_phase(ls_symmetry const* symmetry);
unsigned ls_symmetry_get_number_spins(ls_symmetry const* symmetry);

ls_get_periodicity returns the periodicity N such that applying the symmetry N times results in identity. ls_get_eigenvalue stores the eigenvalue exp(-2πⅈk/N) in out. k is the sector which can be obtained with ls_get_sector. ls_get_phase returns k / N. ls_symmetry_get_number_spins returns the number of spins for which the symmetry was constructed (i.e. length of the permutation which was passed to ls_create_symmetry)

Symmetry operators can also be applied to spin configurations:

void ls_apply_symmetry(ls_symmetry const* symmetry, ls_bits512* bits);

ls_apply_symmetry will permute bits in-place according to the permutation with which the symmetry was constructed.

Example: we apply the previously constructed momentum operator to a spin configuration.

/* Just as before... */
unsigned const permutation[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0};
ls_symmetry* symmetry;
ls_error_code status = ls_create_symmetry(&symmetry, 8, permutation, 1);
if (status != LS_SUCCESS) { /* handle error */ }
/* Applying symmetry to a spin configuration |01001101⟩ = 0b10110010 = 0xB2. We
   expect the result to be |10011010⟩ = 0b01011001 = 0x59
ls_bits512 spin = {0xB2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
ls_apply_symmetry(symmetry, &spin);
assert(spin.words[0] == 0x59);

Symmetry group

Opaque struct representing a symmetry group G:

typedef struct ls_group ls_group;

Groups are meant to be used mostly as intermediate data structured for constructing the bases. We do not provide many functions for working with them.

Symmetry groups are constructed and destructed using the following functions:

ls_error_code ls_create_group(ls_group** ptr, unsigned size, ls_symmetry const* generators[]);
void ls_destroy_group(ls_group* group);

ls_create_group receives an array of size symmetry generators Tk and tries to build a group from them. If symmetries are incommensurable an error will be returned. Note that ls_create_group does not take ownership of generators.

Upon successful completion of ls_create_group (indicated by returning LS_SUCCESS), *ptr is set to point to the newly allocated ls_group object. All pointers created using ls_create_group must be destroyed using ls_destroy_group to avoid memory leaks.

Some information about a symmetry group can be obtained using the following getter functions:

unsigned ls_get_group_size(ls_group const* group);
ls_symmetry const* ls_group_get_symmetries(ls_group const* group);
int ls_group_get_number_spins(ls_group const* group);

ls_get_group_size returns the number of elements in the group. ls_group_get_symmetries returns a pointer to an array of symmetries. This array is internal and owned by ls_group. Do not try to free it and make sure that ls_group stays alive as long as you are using this pointer. ls_group_get_number_spins returns the number of spins in the system. If it cannot be determined (because the group is empty), -1 is returned.

Spin basis

Opaque struct representing a spin basis:

typedef struct ls_spin_basis ls_spin_basis;

Bases are created and destructed using the following functions:

ls_error_code ls_create_spin_basis(ls_spin_basis** ptr, ls_group const* group,
                                   unsigned number_spins, int hamming_weight,
                                   int spin_inversion);
ls_spin_basis* ls_copy_spin_basis(ls_spin_basis const* basis);
void ls_destroy_spin_basis(ls_spin_basis* basis);

ls_create_spin_basis creates a basis given a symmetry group. Symmetry group may be empty (i.e. if ls_create_group was called with no symmetries), but must not be NULL. number_spins must be a positive integer indicating the number of spins in the system. Hamming weight may be either a non-negative integer specifying the Hamming weight to which to restrict the Hilbert space, or -1 to indicate that U(1) symmetry should not be used. spin_inversion may be 1 to indicate that the system is symmetric upon global spin inversion, -1 to indicate that the system is anti-symmetric, or 0 to indicate that spin inversion symmetry should not be used. Upon successful completion of the function *ptr is set to point to the newly constructed spin basis. The basis should later on be destroyed using ls_destroy_spin_basis to avoid memory leaks.

ls_copy_spin_basis allows one to create a shallow copy of the basis. A copy obtained from ls_copy_spin_basis must also be destroyed using ls_destroy_spin_basis. Internally, reference counting is used, so copying a basis (even for a large system) is a cheap operation.

The are a few functions to query basis properties:

unsigned ls_get_number_spins(ls_spin_basis const* basis);
unsigned ls_get_number_bits(ls_spin_basis const* basis);
int ls_get_hamming_weight(ls_spin_basis const* basis);
bool ls_has_symmetries(ls_spin_basis const* basis);

ls_get_number_spins returns the number of spins in the system. ls_get_number_bits returns the number of bits used to represent spin configurations. ls_get_hamming_weight returns the Hamming weight, -1 is returned if Hilbert space is not restricted to a particular Hamming weight. ls_has_symmetries returns whether lattice symmetries were used in the construction of the basis. Note that only permutations and spin inversion count as lattice symmetries here: ls_has_symmetries will return false if only U(1) symmetry is enforced.

void ls_get_state_info(ls_spin_basis const* basis, ls_bits512 const* bits,
                       ls_bits512* representative, _Complex double* character,
                       double* norm);

This is probably the most interesting function of ls_spin_basis.

Given a spin configuration |σ⟩ it determines its representative |σ̃⟩, character χ(g) of the group element g which transforms |σ̃⟩ into |σ⟩, and the normalization factor of the corresponding basis element |S⟩.

There are a few functions which are only available for small systems after a list of representatives has been built:

ls_error_code ls_get_number_states(ls_spin_basis const* basis, uint64_t* out);
ls_error_code ls_get_index(ls_spin_basis const* basis, uint64_t representative, uint64_t* index);

ls_get_number_states returns the dimension of the Hilbert space, i.e. the total number of representatives. ls_get_index allows to find the index of a representative.

Access to the list of all representatives is provided via the following opaque type:

typedef struct ls_states ls_states;

ls_error_code ls_get_states(ls_states** ptr, ls_spin_basis const* basis);
void ls_destroy_states(ls_states* states);

Similarly to other ls_create_* functions, ls_get_states sets *ptr to point to the newly allocated ls_states object. This object must later on be destructed using ls_destroy_states to avoid memory leaks. Internally, ls_states is just a contiguous vector of ls_bits64. The following functions give provide access to it:

ls_bits64 const* ls_states_get_data(ls_states const* states);
uint64_t ls_states_get_size(ls_states const* states);

There are two functions for building internal cache of the basis (which also contains the list of representatives):

ls_error_code ls_build(ls_spin_basis* basis);
ls_error_code ls_build_unsafe(ls_spin_basis* basis, uint64_t size,
                              ls_bits64 const representatives[]);

These are the only functions which mutate the basis. They are not thread safe! ls_build function builds the internal cache. It is a quite expensive operation for large system (i.e. order of minutes on a decent server). ls_build_unsafe unsafe allows one to speed up the build process considerably by providing a list of representatives. No checks for validity of representatives are performed. Use at your own risk!


Operators in lattice_symmetries are implemented via sums of 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-point interaction terms. Such interaction terms are represented by the following opaque struct:

typedef struct ls_interaction ls_interaction;

Interactions are constructed and destructed using the following functions:

ls_error_code ls_create_interaction1(ls_interaction** ptr, _Complex double const* matrix_2x2,
                                     unsigned number_nodes, uint16_t const* nodes);
ls_error_code ls_create_interaction2(ls_interaction** ptr, _Complex double const* matrix_4x4,
                                     unsigned number_edges, uint16_t const (*edges)[2]);
ls_error_code ls_create_interaction3(ls_interaction** ptr, _Complex double const* matrix_8x8,
                                     unsigned number_triangles, uint16_t const (*triangles)[3]);
ls_error_code ls_create_interaction4(ls_interaction** ptr, _Complex double const* matrix_16x16,
                                     unsigned number_plaquettes, uint16_t const (*plaquettes)[4]);
void ls_destroy_interaction(ls_interaction* interaction);

ls_create_interactionN creates an N-point interaction term given the interaction matrix between N spins and a list of sites on which to act. Upon successful completion of the function *ptr is set to point to the newly constructed interaction. The basis should later on be destroyed using ls_destroy_interaction to avoid memory leaks.

Interactions are meant to be used mostly as intermediate data structured for constructing operators. We do not provide many functions for working with them.

bool ls_interaction_is_real(ls_interaction const* interaction);

ls_interaction_is_real returns whether the interaction matrix is purely real.


Opaque struct representing a Hermitian operator O:

typedef struct ls_operator ls_operator;

Operators are constructed and destructed using the following functions:

ls_error_code ls_create_operator(ls_operator** ptr, ls_spin_basis const* basis,
                                 unsigned number_terms, ls_interaction const* const terms[]);
void ls_destroy_operator(ls_operator* op);

ls_create_operator creates a new Hermitian operator given a basis and a list number_terms interaction terms terms. Upon successful completion of the function *ptr is set to point to the newly constructed operator. The basis should later on be destroyed using ls_destroy_operator to avoid memory leaks.

Operators can be applied to individual basis elements:

typedef ls_error_code (*ls_callback)(ls_bits512 const* bits, _Complex double const* coeff, void* cxt);

ls_error_code ls_operator_apply(ls_operator const* op, ls_bits512 const* bits, ls_callback func,
                                void* cxt);

ls_operator_apply applies operator op to a basis element bits. func callback is called for every matrix element. cxt is used-defined additional information passed to func.

Operators can also be applied to wavefunctions:

typedef enum {
    LS_FLOAT32,    // 32-bit floating point number (float)
    LS_FLOAT64,    // 64-bit floating point number (double)
    LS_COMPLEX64,  // 64-bit complex number (_Complex float)
    LS_COMPLEX128, // 128-bit complex number (_Complex double)
} ls_datatype;

ls_error_code ls_operator_matmat(ls_operator const* op, ls_datatype dtype, uint64_t size,
                                 uint64_t block_size, void const* x, uint64_t x_stride, void* y,
                                 uint64_t y_stride);

ls_error_code ls_operator_expectation(ls_operator const* op, ls_datatype dtype, uint64_t size,
                                      uint64_t block_size, void const* x, uint64_t x_stride,
                                      void* out);

Python API

Python API closely follows the C API except that class names start with capitals (i.e. ls_spin_basis becomes lattice_symmetries.SpinBasis, ls_operator becomes lattice_symmetries.Operator) and freestanding functions become member functions. Type help(lattice_symmetries) in Python interpreter to get an overview. Then use help to also get information about functionality of each class.

We use Python typing module to provide typing information. Many functions become obvious once you see which type of arguments they expect and what they return.

Projects using lattice_symmetries

Here are a few projects which are using lattice_symmetries:

  • SpinED exact diagonalization package relies on lattice_symmetries to represent quantum spin bases and observables;
  • nqs_playground package for working with Neural Quantum States uses lattice_symmetries to do Variational Monte Carlo simulations in symmetrized bases.
  • arXiv:2101.08787 used lattice_symmetries for exact diagonalization.
  • arXiv:2011.02986 used lattice_symmetries for exact diagonalization and Monte Carlo studies.
  • Nat Commun 11, 1593 (2020) used an earlier version of lattice_symmetries code to do exact diagonalization.

If you would like your project to be added to this list, feel free to submit a PR.

Other software

In the context of Neural Quantum States

As far as we know, lattice_symmetries (in combination with nqs_playground) is currently the only open-source package which allows one to run complete variational Monte Carlo simulations in the symmetrized basis. This is implemented in nqs_playground package. Currently, the most popular solution is to run you simulations in the full basis (i.e. without taking symmetries into account), and to symmetrize your variational state afterwards ().

In the context of Exact Diagonalization

  • Pomerol uses dense matrices and as such targets a different set of problems than lattice_symmetries.
  • HPhi supports a wider range of systems than lattice_symmetries, but does not support user-defined symmetries. Also, the interface of HPhi is less user-friendly.
  • SPINPACK is slower than lattice_symmetries and much less user-friendly.
  • EDLib uses sparse matrices and does not support user-defined symmetries (which is the focus of lattice_symmetries).
  • QuSpin supports a wider range of systems than lattice_symmetries, but is considerably slower (see Performance section for more info). It is also too tightly coupled to Python which made it inapplicable for the Variational Monte Carlo code for which lattice_symmetries was originally developed.


  • HUGE thanks to Nikita Astrakhantsev (@nikita-astronaut) for actively testing all alpha en beta features in real-life projects (which led to fixing quite a few bugs)!
  • Askar Iliasov (@asjosik1991) and Andrey Bagrov (@BagrovAndrey) were very helpful in discussions related to group-theoretic aspects of this work.