
A modern Smart-speaker with an advanced microphone array, camera module interfaced with Pi capable of performing AI-based tasks

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Alexa-Smart-Speaker brief description

Objective of this project is to design a advanced Alexa smart speaker using commercial off the shelf advanced microphone array, camera module and a regular speaker interfaced to Raspberry Pi. This Smart Speaker is capable of performing Biometrics (Facial Recognition) based system wakeup in addition to calling out the wake-word. The processor on the Microphone array used to capture user’s voice has inbuilt Digital Signal Processing based voice algorithms which is custom tuned for better capturing and understanding of user’s speech resulting in a successful full-duplex human-machine speech interaction. In addition to Biometrics based system wakeup and microphone array-based interaction, it’s also enabled with custom skills which can perform Audio processing, Artificial Intelligence & Computer Vision based tasks when requested by user.

Basic Features of the this Alexa smart speaker prototype

Biometrics based Alexa wakeup & interaction using ReSpeaker v2

Far-field voice capture 

AEC capabilities for higher wake-word detection accuracy

Noise Suppression for better user interaction 

Special features - Alexa, friday custom skills

USB RGB LED Controller

Deep Learning & Open CV based object detection

Audio Processing based Alarm Detector 

Open CV based Security System

Web-based MJPEG Streaming

Below are the commands to run the provided scrips:

Face Recog Script

cd /home/pi/FYP-SS/Combined_Scripts/Face_Recog_Wakeup_Alexa_C_SDK
source ~/.profile
workon cv
python3 pi_face_recognition.py --cascade haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml \
    --encodings encodings.pickle

Alexa C++ SDK build

sudo bash /home/pi/AlexaDeviceSDK/startsample.sh

Fire Alarm Script

cd /home/pi/FYP-SS/Combined_Scripts/Alexa_JSON_Combined_LED_Security_Alarm
python3 email_Fire_Alarm_detection_using_mic_array.py

Security System & email

cd /home/pi/FYP-SS/Combined_Scripts/Alexa_JSON_Combined_LED_Security_Alarm
source ~/.profile
workon cv
python if_human_body_recog_then_email.py

Deep Learning & Open CV based object detection

cd /home/pi/FYP-SS/Combined_Scripts/Alexa_JSON_Combined_LED_Security_Alarm
source ~/.profile
workon cv
python dl_img_frm_cam.py

M-JPEG Streamming

sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2
cd /home/pi/FYP-SS/Combined_Scripts/Alexa_JSON_Combined_LED_Security_Alarm
sudo ./mjpg_streamer -i "./input_uvc.so -f 10 -r 640x320 -n -y" -o "./output_http.so -w ./www -p 80"

Commands to run the main script which initialtes scripts based on user's command

# Receive Json commands from Developer Account script 
cd /home/pi/FYP-SS/Combined_Scripts/Alexa_JSON_Combined_LED_Security_Alarm
source ~/.profile
workon cv
python3 Final_Alexa_Json_Integration_local_execution.py

cd /home/pi/FYP-SS/Combined_Scripts/Alexa_JSON_Combined_LED_Security_Alarm
./ngrok http 5000

Commands to callout

ask friday to turn on sky lights
ask friday to turn on crimson lights
ask friday to turn lights off

Ask friday what she sees

ask friday to activate alarm detector 
ask friday to deactivate alarm detector

ask friday to turn on security system 
ask friday to shut down security system

Ask friday to open eyes
Ask friday to close eyes

If you use the code in this repository in your work, please cite these paper using the BibTex entry below

  title={AI Vision: Smart speaker design and implementation with object detection custom skill and advanced voice interaction capability},
  author={Sudharsan, Bharath and Kumar, Sree Prem and Dhakshinamurthy, Rakesh},
  booktitle={2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC)},

  author    = {Bharath Sudharsan and
               Peter Corcoran and
               Muhammad Intizar Ali},
  title     = {Smart Speaker Design and Implementation with Biometric Authentication
               and Advanced Voice Interaction Capability},
  booktitle = {Proceedings for the 27th AIAI Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence
               and Cognitive Science},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2563/aics\_29.pdf}