To view the talk that goes along with this repo, click [here] (
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate RLtalk
In order to run the streaming Twitter examples, you will need a set of developer keys stored in a file called keys.txt. Go here to get your own credentials.
The talk was created by Brian Farris for a DS30 webinar by The Data Incubator (github). Brian Farris is a data scientist at Capital One Labs in New York. He was a Data Incubator Fellow in the Spring 2015 NYC cohort. Prior to this he was a postdoc in computational astrophysics at Columbia and NYU, working on simulations of the environments around binary black holes. He received his PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
[The Data Incubator] ( is a data science education company based in NYC, DC, and SF with both corporate training and recruiting services. For [data science corporate training] (, we offer customized, in-house training solutions in data and analytics. For [data science hiring] (, we run a [free 8 week fellowship] ( training PhDs to become data scientists. The fellowship selects 2% of its 2000+ quarterly applicants and is free for Fellows. Hiring companies (including EBay, Capital One, Pfizer) pay a recruiting fee only if they successfully hire. You can read about us on [Harvard Business Review] (, [VentureBeat] (, or [The Next Web] (, or read about our alumni at [LinkedIn] (, [Palantir] (, or the [NYTimes] (
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