
This repo is for creating a lambda funcation, which will conect with PostgreSQL over SSL

Primary LanguagePython

AWS Lambda Integration with PostgreSQL

This repository will help in creating the AWS Lambda Function in Python, which will connect to PostgreSQL DB over SSL.

Tech Stack

  Python 3.6
  AWS Lambda 
  Psycopg2(Postgres connector)


  DB is already created with some table and access on AWS cloud. 

Steps Required for Project Setup

  1- Install Python3.6 or 3.8
  2- Create a lambda project in python
  3- Add psycopg2 dependency in your project root. (Add Image) (Reference)
  3- Get SSL certificate from AWS (), add this SSL Certificate to your project directory. (Add Image)
  4- Access this certificate in your code and use it in your psycopg2.connect() as sslMode and ssl_ca.(Add Image)
  5- Zip it and upload it in AWS lambda (Note: Zip name and lambda name should be same, and lambda_funcation.py should be on root of zip)

Steps Required for Project Deployment

1- Create Lambda furcation (Image) with same name as project zip.
2- Create Lambda a Role, which should have RDSAccess Permission. 
3- Lambda should be in same VPC and subnets as PostgreSQL
4- Lambda should have a Security Group, this security group should have permission in PostgreSQL. So there should be a inbound rule in PostgreSQL Security Group for Lambda Security Group 

Step Run

Steps to upload ZIP file to AWS Lambda






SSL Issue