
JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status Coverage Status

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Look here for more information and examples: https://github.com/JSQLParser/JSqlParser/wiki.


JSqlParser is dual licensed under LGPL V2.1 and Apache Software License, Version 2.0.


  • Version 0.9.4 released.
  • Please test the actual SNAPSHOT, if there are problems using the extended identifier token.
  • Version 0.9.3 released.

More news can be found here: https://github.com/JSQLParser/JSqlParser/wiki/News.


JSqlParser is a SQL statement parser. It translates SQLs in a traversable hierarchy of Java classes. JSqlParser is not limited to one database but provides support for a lot of specials of Oracle, SqlServer, MySQL, PostgreSQL ... To name some, it has support for Oracles join syntax using (+), PostgreSQLs cast syntax using ::, relational operators like != and so on.


If you need help using JSqlParser feel free to file an issue or contact me.


To help JSqlParsers development you are encouraged to provide

  • feedback
  • bugreports
  • pull requests for new features
  • improvement requests
  • fund new features

Also I would like to know about needed examples or documentation stuff.

Extensions in the latest SNAPSHOT version 0.9.5

  • support for ORDER BY and LIMIT in UPDATE and DELETE statements
UPDATE tablename SET ... ORDER BY col;
UPDATE tablename SET ... ORDER BY col LIMIT 10;
UPDATE table1 A SET ... LIMIT 10;
DELETE FROM tablename LIMIT 5;
DELETE FROM tablename ORDER BY col;
DELETE FROM tablename ORDER BY col LIMIT 10;
  • improved support for ALTER TABLE statements
  • first Oracle hint support for SELECT statements
  • first ALTER TABLE FOREIGN KEY support
  • first MERGE support
  • first version of escaped single quotes support
select '\'' 

Extensions of JSqlParser releases

BUILDING from the sources

As the project is a Maven project, building is rather simple by running:

mvn package

This will produce the jsqlparser-VERSION.jar file in the target/ directory.

Maven Repository

JSQLParser is deployed at sonatypes open source maven repository. Starting from now I will deploy there. The first snapshot version there will be 0.8.5-SNAPSHOT. To use it this is the repository configuration:


This repositories releases will be synched to maven central. Snapshots remain at sonatype.

And this is the dependency declaration in your pom:
