It is a movies rest api developed using flask and sqlite.
Movie API is a web based REST API which can be used in various projects by web developers and even developers working on application development which needs to utilize any feature of IMDb website. This API will enable developers to get data according to their needs in an easy to read javascript object-notation (JSON) format.
|flask_movie_api #Project Directory
|--|--workflows #Github Actions workflow for CodeQL
|--|----codeql.yml #yaml code for the CodeQL Workflow
|--app #Main flask app directory
| |--data #Data directory for data storage
| | |--db_*.db
| | |--movies.json #Initial Load File
| |
| |--logs #Logs Directory
| |--|--log_files
| |--|--|--*_debug_movies_api.log
| |
| |--main #Main application directory
| | |
| | |
| | |--controller #Controller files module
| | | |--
| | | |--*
| | |
| | |--model #Model files module
| | | |--
| | | |-- *
| | |
| | |--service #Service files module
| | | |
| | | |--*
| | |
| | |--util #Utility files module
| | |
| | | #data transfer object
| | | #decortor definition
| |
| |--test #Test Module
| |--
| |--test_*.py
|--migrations #Migrations
|--.gitignore #git ignore file
| #mange file to run, test the app
| #Entry point for the app
|--Procfile #gunicorn file for deployment
|--runtime.txt #python runtime version for heroku deployment
|--Pipfile #Pipenv - python dependencies
|--requirements.txt #packages
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Clone the repo
git clone
Install Python packages
pipenv install pipenv shell pip install -r requirements.txt
Make DB Migrations
flask db init flask db migrate flask db upgrade
Run the application and open https://localhost:5000
python run
Note: make sure you have pip
and virtualenv
To initialize a pipenv: pipenv install | pipenv install flask | pip install -r requirements.txt
For python shell: pipenv shell
To run application: python run | python | flask run
To run test: python test
To load the inital data: python load_data
For help: python --help
Make sure to run the initial migration commands to update the database.
> flask db init
> flask db migrate --message 'initial database migration'
> flask db upgrade
In case there is not update to the database, use the below command
> flask db stamp head
Open the following url on your browser to view swagger documentation
Create a user for youself using the endpoint [POST] '/api/v1/user/' which on success return the token.
Copy the token and append 'Bearer ' to the begining and paste it in the value of the authenticate.
'Bearer <JWT_token>'
Authorization header is in the following format:
Key: Authorization
Value: "token_generated_during_login"
Download the heroku CLI [](
After the installation, login to the heroku using the command below.
```heroku login```
Clone the repository
heroku git:clone -a flaskmovieapi
cd flaskmovieapi
Deploy your changes
git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku master
Reference for Heroku Deployment [](
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/Feature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some Feature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/Feature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Bhargav Dadi Github
Project Link: