
Citrine constraint sampler challenge for applying as Scientific Software Engineer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Citrine-Challenge: constraint sampler


This is an implementation of the Citrine - constraint sampler challenge which is meant to provide a representative example of math and engineering skills required to solve the problems in scope of the Scientific Software Engineering group at Citrine.


One of the core capabilities of Citrine is the ability to efficiently sample high dimensional spaces with complex, non-linear constraints. In this challenge, applicants are asked to efficiently generate candidates that systematically explore as much of the valid space as possible.

The “API” of the challenge is file based: the root directory of this project contains a sample Python3 script which can be run as:

./sampler <input_file> <output_file> <n_results>

Installation instructions can be found below.

The sampler provides status messages about the sampling-state, i.e. it displays the current sample id (the current numer of sampled vectors), the draw time [sec] (the time it took to draw a single vector which satisfies the constraints), total time [sec] (the total sampling time) and a status message (initialize, de-correlate, appending, finished or a message with the reason of rejection: atol or constraints)

Optional keyword arguments:

  • --atol <float> controls the minimum Eucledian distance (in normalized space) which all sample vectors must exhibit before being added to the samples list (positive float, defaults to 1e-4)
  • --n-correlated-samples <uint>: number of samples considered in minimizing correlations (positive int, defaults to 100)
  • --normalize-pca-threshold <float>: threshold of PCA variances which are considered as important in order to reduce the dimensionality of the constraint problem (semi positive float, defaults to 0.1)
  • --log-interval <int> controls the interval how often the samling status is printed to the screen (positive integer, defaults to 10).

Optional flags:

  • -q controls the verbosity of ./sampler. Use -q to perform the sampling without screen output.
  • -u: Use the example given by the <input_file> during sampling

You can also ask for help:

./sampler -h

Input file

The input file starts with a single line header that gives the dimensionality of the problem, which is defined on the unit hypercube. The next line is a single example feasible point. The remaining lines are a list of constraints as python expressions containing + , - , * , / , and ** operators. They have been transformed such that they all take the form g(x) >= 0.0 .

./sampler <input_file> <output_file> <n_results>

we can test the sampler on the example problem:

./sampler test/files/example.txt test/dat/sampler/example.txt 1000
> sample 1000 configurations from input <test/files/example.txt>
>        sample id  draw time [sec] total time [sec]           status
>        1000/1000           0.0352          35.1512         finished
> done with 1872 sampling steps after 35.15 seconds
> writing results to output file <test/dat/sampler/example.txt>

Other example files are listed here: mixture, example, formulation and alloy.

Output file

An output file is generated after the sampling finished. It contains a list of <n_results> vectors (space delimited within the vector; one vector per line). The challenge is that for evaluating for n_results = 1000 the execution takes less than 5 minutes.

Project structure

The project is based on the citrine_challange python module in the root directory, which contains the classes Constraint, SamplerConstraint, BaseSampler and AdaptiveSampler. (Demonstrative) unittests can be found in test/citrine_challenge and example input files are located in test/files.

The Constraint was provided by Citrine which handles the parsing of input files.

The SamplerConstraint inherits the Constraint class and extends its functionality by giving access to the numerical values of constraints, g(x), and its violations, f(x) = -g(x) * h(-g(x)), where h(y) is the Heaviside function satisfying h(y) = 0 for y<0 and h(y) = 1 otherwise. I.e. f(x) > 0 represents the violation of constraint g(x), f(x)=0 ensures that the constraint g(x)>=0 is satisfied.

The BaseSampler class handles input, output and general sampling tasks and containts also a rather straight-forward random sampling method (which may be applicable for low-dimensional problems): Random samples on the unit hypercube are drawn and evaluated against the constraints g(x)>=0. If they satisfy the constraints they are stored in a list, {Xi}, until n_results configurations have been identified, which is the current (most simple) convergence criterion. Note that we only append results to the sample list if their Eucledian distance to all other samples in this list is above a certain threshold min(|{Xi} - x|) >= atol (which is an optional parameter of the sampler, see ./sampler -h).

The AdaptiveSampler class inherits BaseSampler and represents the main sampler class of this project: First, feasible parameter regions are explored using scipy.optimize to functionally minimize constraint-violations f(x) (provided by SamplerConstraint). Samples are drawn randomly and the minimization steers these configurations into the next local minimum with respect to constraint-violations, i.e. minimizing f(x) under variation of x(we use scipy's L-BFGS-B minimization for that task). This is done until a candidate sample, c, satisfies all constraints f(c)=0. In order to explore broader regions of the configuration space a second optimization procedure tries to minimize correlations of the candidate sample c with a representative list R{Xi} of the sample list {Xi} (corr(R{Xi}, c) -> min), always under consideration of the constraints g(x)>=0 (note that a different strategy could be to maximize the minimal Eucledian distance (min|{Xi} - c| -> max). Since the constraints of the problem may introduce a bias (offset and scales) of different components of the vectors in {Xi} the second minimization is evaluated in a normalized space of the sampled data {Xi}: First we use scikit-learn's StandardScaler to remove the mean of R{Xi} and scale to unit variance: {Xi} -> S({Xi}) . On top of that we use Principal Component Analysis (PCA, again scikit-learn) for dimensional reduction by only considering the leading principal components of S{Xi} which's variances, vi, are larger than or equal to a specified threshold vi >= normalize_pca_threshold. With this we have defined the transformation N(x) = PCA(S(x)) and we define the constraint functional to optimize (i.e. the Lagrangian): L(c) = |corr(R(N({Xi}), N(c))| + sum_i(f_i(c)) + sum_i(l_i * f_i(c)), where the first sum over all violations f_i(x) supports the minimizer to not leave feasible regions and the second sum over lagrange multipliers l_i ensures that the constraints are satisfied f_i(x)=0 (we use scipy's SLSQP implementation to minimize L(c), the first sum supports convergence since SLSQP's constraint handling is not bulletproof).

Remarks: The leading PCA threshold is controlled via the parameter--normalize-pca-threshold (float), note that we keep at least two dimensions). For the moment R(N{Xi}) is drawn at random from N({Xi}), the length is controlled by the parameter --n-correlated-samples (int). AdaptiveSampler uses an initialization phase in which n_correlated_samples are not optimized for correlation minimization (this is before normalization can effectively be applied). These samples are subsequently overwritten in a de-correlation phase. After that newly drawn samples are merely appended until convergence is reached: until n_results samples have been identified (this could be done more sophisticated in the future).

The sampler is python module based, one can also use the citrine_challenge module in python scripts:

from citrine_challenge import AdaptiveSampler as Sampler

sampler = Sampler(input_file="<input_file>", output_file="<output_file>", n_results="<n_results>")
results = sampler.sample()
  • if one promts to the citrine_challenge root directory
  • or adds it to the PYTHONPATH environment variable;
  • or one chooses to install the sampler using python setup.py install in the projects main directory)

Installation instructions

The project is written in Python 3 and was tested with Python 3.7 and Python 3.8.0 under Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04.

Get the project

Download the git-repository or clone it using

git clone https://github.com/bhartl/citrine_challenge.git

Install Python using Anaconda

We recommend the use of anaconda3, which can be downloaded here: download the Python 3.7 version of Anaconda and follow the install instructions.

In anaconda you can safely generate virtual environments (with minimum python packages) which do not interfere with your main python installation:

conda create -n citrine-challenge

and then activate the virtual environment using

source activate citrine-challenge


conda deactivate

you can go back to your orignal python environment.

Python module dependencies

The citrine_challnge implementation depends on the python modules numpy, scipy, scikit-learn (and optional unittest2) which can be installed using conda:

conda install -c anaconda numpy scipy scikit-learn

and optional:

conda install -c anaconda unittest2

If the use of anaconda is not desired, installation may be performed using pip

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install numpy scipy scikit-learn

(and possible dependecies thereof) and optional

pip install unittest2

Test installation

Tests are located in the test/citrine_challenge subfolder and represent demonstrative tests for the BaseSampler functionalities and apply sample and dump_samples methods for BaseSampler and AdaptiveSampler to the four provided test cases: mixture, example, formulation and alloy. (Note that BaseSampler is incapable of sampling the alloy problem in a reasonable time.)

The installation may be tested using the unittest2 package by executing:


or directly

unit2 discover test/citrine_challenge/

Remark: If you encounter warnings like 'RuntimeWarning: numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility.' you may update your numpy == 1.16.1, which, at the time of creation of this document, was not yet compatible with python 3.8. I have encountered this issue for a while and I don't now a good solution, numpy's suggestion is to ignore the warning.


There might be a bias for certain problems with strongly attractive basins: Many solutions of the minimization step may end up in this region.

The execution time for the test/files/alloy.txt task is mainly due to the dimensionality in the de-correlation step. Including too many samples and too many components of the PCA transformed samples in the correlation matrix will slow down the process drastically. This parameter is quite delicate.


The software can be distributed under MIT LICENCE.