AWS API for ESP8266 Development Software
This project interface the ESP8266 with AWS DynamoDB using the Arduino IDE platform.
- Copy the ASW folder to your Arduino "../libraries" folder.
- Copy the AWS_Get-SetDemo folder to your Arduino IDE sketchbook folder.
The ESP8266 sketch:
setup() - connects to your local Wifi and initializes an AWS database client. - a web server is also started, but is not used for this demo sketch
loop() - first gets the current RGB values from a dynamoDB table - then sets the dynamoDB table RGB values to an increment of the value from the 'get'
The current settings (change if needed in the sketch to match your configuration):
ESP8266 Static IP: ESP8266 Server Port: 9703 Router IP:
Serial port baud: 74880 bps (Use ESPlorer to monitor ESP8266 serial port)
AWS Settings:
The AWS Dynamodb used in this example was based on the following:
See section "Table used by SparkGetItemSample and GalileoSample:"
The serial port output from this request will look similar to this:
Loop start time: 20150810210943 GMT
Current Free Heap:21864
GetItem succeeded!
Red value read: 125
Green value read: 107
Blue value read: 107
PutItem succeeded!
Red set to: 126
Green set to: 108
Blue set to: 108
Loop start time: 20150810211000 GMT
Current Free Heap:21864
GetItem succeeded!
Red value read: 126
Green value read: 108
Blue value read: 108
PutItem succeeded!
Red set to: 127
Green set to: 109
Blue set to: 109
Two iterations of the loop() function are shown above. Each iteration has-
- A header with the loop start time in the format: yyyymmddhhmmss GMT
- The header also shows the free heap, for troubleshooting in case a memory leak is detected.
- The get values are displayed
- The get values are incremented and then written (put) to the database
Note the lapse time between iterations is about 17 seconds.