
Implementation of aeroplane seating arragement

Primary LanguageRuby

Aeroplane Seating Arramgement

This is the implmentation of aeroplane seating arrangement problem. Ruby 2.5.0 is used for developing the library. Use the below steps to execute/test the code.

Get into ruby shell

cd aeroplane_seating_arrangement/lib

Load and run the library

require './seating_arrangement'
dimension_of_empty_seats = [[3,2], [3,4], [2,3]]
seating_arrangement = SeatingArrangement::Plane.new(dimension_of_empty_seats)
number_of_seats_to_reserve = 26

Run some test cases

cd aeroplane_seating_arrangement
ruby tests/test_seat.rb
ruby tests/test_block.rb

Note: All test cases are not being covered.