
PowerBI and Tableau Dahboards

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Data Analytics using Power BI

Sales Insights Data Analysis Project

Here, I used MySQL to import the data and later did the ETL in Power BI with 3 key dashboards as follows


  1. SQL database dump is in db_dump.sql file above. Download db_dump.sql file to your local computer and import it

Data Analysis Using SQL

  1. Show all customer records

    SELECT * FROM customers;

  2. Show total number of customers

    SELECT count(*) FROM customers;

  3. Show transactions for Chennai market (market code for chennai is Mark001

    SELECT * FROM transactions where market_code='Mark001';

  4. Show distrinct product codes that were sold in chennai

    SELECT distinct product_code FROM transactions where market_code='Mark001';

  5. Show transactions where currency is US dollars

    SELECT * from transactions where currency="USD"

  6. Show transactions in 2020 join by date table

    SELECT transactions.*, date.* FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020;

  7. Show total revenue in year 2020,

    SELECT SUM(transactions.sales_amount) FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020 and transactions.currency="INR\r" or transactions.currency="USD\r";

  8. Show total revenue in year 2020, January Month,

    SELECT SUM(transactions.sales_amount) FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020 and and date.month_name="January" and (transactions.currency="INR\r" or transactions.currency="USD\r");

  9. Show total revenue in year 2020 in Chennai

    SELECT SUM(transactions.sales_amount) FROM transactions INNER JOIN date ON transactions.order_date=date.date where date.year=2020 and transactions.market_code="Mark001";

Data Analysis Using Power BI

  • Formula to create norm_amount column

= Table.AddColumn(#"Filtered Rows", "norm_amount", each if [currency] = "USD" or [currency] ="USD#(cr)" then [sales_amount]*75 else [sales_amount], type any)

Screenshots attahched for reference:


