Bee Chat Application

Microblogging application that have functionalities of create posts, View posts, like, user sugn up & sign in, comment, etc.

User Stories

These are the behaviours/features that the application implements for use by a user.

Users would like to:

  • View all posts submitted by any user.
  • Click on posts to display more details.
  • Follow others.
  • Like, comment posts.

Admin Abilities

These are the behaviours/features that the application implements for use by the admin.

Admin should:

  • Sign in to the application
  • Add, Edit and Delete images
  • Delete images
  • Manage the application.

SetUp / Installation Requirements


  • python3.9

  • pip

  • virtualenv

  • Requirements.txt

  • MongoDB (Djongo)

  • Installing Django and other Modules

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  • To run the application, in your terminal:

     python runserver

*To make changes in database use following commands

   python makemigrations

   python migrate

*To createsuperuser

   python createsuperuser

Testing the Application

  • To run the tests for the class files:

       python test 

Technology used