
AWS SDK for PHP http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforphp/

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


AWS S3 Basic Methods for YII (YII Aws-S3 Bucket)

What's that

An extension for Yii Framework, bundling commonly used functions for aws-s3 objects.



* For Yii: extract extension files under `protected/extensions/YIIS3`.
* W/o Yii: extract extension files into a directory of choise.


To use with Yii Framework:

  • Introduce YIIS3 to Yii.

  • Add credential file for amazon key,secret key inside config folder

  • Add definition to CWebApplication config file (main.php)

    		'bucket'=> 'website-sitedata', // change your bucket
    		'version' => 'latest',
    		'region'  => 'ap-southeast-2', //change your region

Upload file

 * @param string $source File to upload - can be any valid CFile filename
 * @param string $destination Name of the file on destination -- can include directory separators
Yii::app()->s3->upload($source, $destination);

Check File Exits on bucket

 * @param type $file_path
 * @return type boolean
 * @throws CException

Get Download link with Presigned Request Url

 * @param type $file_path Amazon s3 file path
 * @param type $download_file_name
 * @param type $expire
 * @return type string
 * @throws CException
Yii::app()->s3->getPresignedRequestUrl($file_path, $download_file_name, '+10 seconds');	

Download File

 * @param type $file_path
 * @return type file content
 * @throws CException


Custom Download Example

$s3destination = "pdf/xyz.pdf"; // Fixed Custom Path
$objectExitsOnS3 = Yii::app()->s3->doesObjectExist($s3destination);
if($objectExitsOnS3) {                
		header("Expires: 0");
		header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
		header("Pragma: ");
		header("Cache-Control: ");
		header("Content-Type: application/force-download");                
		// set file name
		header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"');
		echo Yii::app()->s3->download($s3destination);