useing this site users can find value of their old mobile.and admin can add the mobile company name and their respective model name and prices.

Frontend Live link(user area)->

Frontend Live link(admin area)->

run on local->1.clone the backend and frontend code from github (link is in the below)

backend->1. npm install 2. node index.js

frontened->1.npm install 2. node run dev

assigned on -> 15/07/2022 Submitted on ->16/07/2022

API Reference

User api's

User Register and login

  POST /user/auth/register
  POST /user/auth/login
Parameter Type
email string
password string

Verify user auttoken

  GET /user/auth/verify
Parameter Type Description
req.headers['x-auth-token'] string Required

get product depending on quary Parameter

  GET /user/getproduct/models?cname=`mobile company name`& model=`model name`

  if company name and model name then we get prices
  if only company name then we get models belong to this company
  if nothing present then we get all models

  GET /user/getproduct/allcomp 

  to get all company names
Parameter Type Description
req.headers['x-user-token'] string Required

Admin api's

  POST /admin/auth/login
Parameter Type
email string
password string

Verify user auttoken

  GET /admin/auth/verify
Parameter Type Description
req.headers['x-auth-token'] string Required

get all users

  GET /admin/getuser/
Parameter Type Description
req.headers['x-admin-token'] string Required

Add new mobile company

  Post /admin/product/addcompany
Parameter Type Description
req.headers['x-admin-token'] string Required
comapny name string Required

Add new mobile model

  Post /admin/product/addmodel/:id of company
Parameter Type Description
req.headers['x-admin-token'] string Required
model name string Required
id of company string Required