
A starting pint for some examples.

Clone and deploy with a click

You can get started with your own version of this site with a couple of clicks. the button below will cline this repo to your own GitHub account and link it to a new site for you on Netlfy

Deploy to Netlify

Local developments

To build the site you need:

Getting started

# clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:philhawksworth/speedrun.git

# go to the working directory
cd speedrun

# install dependencies
npm i

# install Netlify CLI
npm i --global netlify-cli

# start a local build server with hot reloading
ntl dev

You can run and watch the eleventy build directly or via the npm script:

npm start

or, to get some Netlify helpers for local replication of serverless functions etc, run:

ntl dev

This will run the Eleventy build server and add a local proxy to allow you to also access serverless functions, Netlify redirects and soon.

This route should hit your local Netlify Function:


And since ntl dev also supports Netlify redirects API, we can specify a redirect to that too, and give it a nicer URL like:



The build command npm run build will generate a set of static assets in a dist folder which can be deployed to any web hosting service.

Netlify will run this build process in a CI environment and then deploy the build automatically to a global CDN. Such deployments are triggered automatically by every git push to the master branch of the origin repository.