
Repo Created for DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge

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DigitalOcean Gitops with ArgoCD & Tekton with Kaniko Challenge

Repo Created for DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge


I chose the Gitops challenge because it was something I have never tried before. I was sure that this particular exercise will push my boundaries and let me learn something new.


Before the weeks of actually starting to work on the project I took a good amount of time learning about ArgoCD, Tekton and Kaniko. Before that week all of these were words/tools that I've never heard. I personally liked the idea of kaniko, building docker images on the fly(who knew I was gonna struggle with it so much later).


Creating Flask App

I did not want to spend a lot of time creating the application. I have done it a million times before, I can do it again. For testing purposes all we need is a "hello world".

  1. Created a basic flask app with hello world API
  2. Added requirements.txt file
  3. Added Dockerfile for running the app.

Setting up Doctl

doctl is the Digitalocean command line tool, which came handy for setting up and configuring Docker registry and Kubernetes cluster. To initialize I used to PAT.

brew install doctl

Setting up Kube cluster with terraform

Next step is to setup the kubernetes cluster with terraform. Again used Terraform instead of using doctl or UI because I have never tried it before and wanted to. Quickly searched the internet and learned how to setup a cluster, create nodes and add them to a cluster, check infra/provider.tf.

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Although the setup was fairly straightforward I stumbled upon following errors

ERROR invalid version slug

Used the Stackoverflow solution to find kubernetes versions supported by doctl and used the same. The error occurs because of a mismatch between kubernetes version supported by DO vs the one configured in Terraform

Install Kubernetes CLI tools

  • kubectl is essential for playing aorund with cluster.
  • kns comes handy to switch between name spaces
  • k9s helps you playaround with cluster resources without typing a million command
brew install kubectl 
brew tap blendle/blendle
brew install kns
brew install k9s

Setting up ArgoCD

As I started setting up ArgoCD the Quay.io docker registry was down, I had to wait until the following error wears off

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "quay.io/argoproj/argocd:v2.2.1": failed to copy: httpReaderSeeker: failed open: unexpected status code https://quay.io/v2/argoproj/argocd/blobs/sha256:9e6a0d5477cff31ce49b4d3bc07409ebd27609574e968043d0b9c10acf854ebc: 502 Bad Gateway

Used the ArgoCD setup commands to create an ArgoCD deployment.

Setting up Tekton

With respect to Tekton we need both Pipelines and Triggers. Triggers let's us listen to Github events to trigger a set of actions. Pipelines lets us create those series of actions and link them together. The ci-cd/tekton.sh file contains the kubectl commands to set it up

Setting up Ambassdor

This step is used to expose ArgoCD and webhook endpoint to the outside world via EXTERNAL_IP

  1. First, I setup Ambassdor using ci-cd/ambassador/ambassdor.sh script.
  2. Install certificate manager using ci-cd/ambassador/certs.sh script
  3. Setup a subdomain do-challenge.thelearning.dev and mapped it to the EXTERNAL_IP
  4. Added certificates and tls

Docker Registry

To push the Docker images we need a registry. I created a Digitalocean Registry

Pipeline Design

We have all the required setup and up and running. Next step is to design Tekton Pipelines, link it to ArgoCD and use kaniko to build and push images.

Secrets and Resources

kubectl apply -k tekton-pipeline/resources/.

ArgoCD pipeline

We are going to setup 2 ArgoCD apps

  1. The Tekton pipeline
  2. The Flask Application

Each of these folders have it's own kustomize.yaml file to setup the kubernetes resources

argocd login do-challenge.thelearning.dev --grpc-web-root-path /argo-cd
argocd cluster add do-ams3-terraform-do-cluster   
argocd app create tekton-pipeline-app --repo https://github.com/bhavaniravi/digitalocean-gitops.git --path tekton-pipeline --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace tekton-argocd-example
argocd app create flask-app --repo https://github.com/bhavaniravi/digitalocean-gitops.git --path kube --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace flask-app --sync-option CreateNamespace=true

ArgoCD to Github

On pushing to Github ArgoCD syncs the kubernetes resources of tekton with kubernetes resources in the cluster.

Tekton Pipelines

The two important parts of the trigger -> Build -> Deploy tekton pipeline

  1. EventListener listents to the Github webhook
  2. TriggerTemplate creates Pipeline based on custom input from TriggerBinding
  3. Pipelines Task spin up a kaniko container building and pushing the images
  4. Once image is pushed redeploys the flask app

Create webhook in Github

Now that the event listeners and pipelines are ready, the next step is to add the webhook url to the Github Repo. You can do this under repo settings.


At this point anytime you push code to the repo, the tekton pipeline executed.

Simulate push

You can also simulate the push webhook call with the following snippet.

curl -i \
  -H 'X-GitHub-Event: push' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"ref":"refs/heads/main","head_commit":{"id":"123abc"}}' \

The write up is definitely a 300 feet overview, moving forward I'll be writing detailed blogs on each of these concepts in my Devops-Deep-Dive Series Newsletter