
A web api to automate tests using Robot framework

Primary LanguagePython


This Django application provides a REST API endpoint for executing test cases defined in Robot Framework format. It allows you to programmatically trigger and manage test automation from external tools or applications.


  • Accepts test cases in JSON format via a POST request to the /testai/tests/v1/execute endpoint.
  • Parses the JSON data to extract test case titles and steps.
  • Dynamically generates a Robot Framework test suite based on the extracted steps.
  • Executes the generated test suite using Robot Framework.
  • Returns the test execution results (pass/fail) in a JSON response.


  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Create a virtual environment:

     python -m venv venv
     source venv/bin/activate  # For Linux/macOS
     venv\Scripts\activate.bat  # For Windows
  3. Install dependencies:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Apply database migrations:

     cd core
     python manage.py migrate
  5. Run the Django development server:

     python manage.py runserver


  1. Test Case Format:

    The API expects an array of test cases in JSON format, with each test case containing the following properties:

    • title: (string) Name of the test case.

    • steps: (list of dictionaries) Each dictionary represents a step to be executed in the test case. The dictionary should have a single key:

      • description: (string) The Robot Framework command for the step.

Example JSON payload:

    "tests": [
            "title": "Test Google Search",
            "steps": [
                { "description": "Open Browser browser='chrome'" },
                { "description": "Go To url='https://google.com'" }
  1. API Endpoint:

    • Method: POST
    • URL: http://localhost:8000/testai/tests/v1/execute (assuming you're running the development server on port 8000)
  2. Sending Test Request:

    Use tools like curl or Postman to send a POST request with the JSON payload to the API endpoint.

     curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/testai/tests/v1/execute -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ ... your JSON payload ... }'
  3. Response:

    The API will return a JSON response containing the test execution results, including the test case title and its status (pass/fail).