
:battery: Battery Packed Starter for a Typescript, Next.js, Express project.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


🚀 Quickly get started with a Typescript, Next.js(Frontend), Express(Backend) project without wasting time to setup.

Why ?

Going through all the setup everytime this stack is used is kinda time consuming. So here is a:battery:battery packed starter to save some time.

Getting Started

This is a monorepo containing Next.js frontend and Express for backend. Frontend lies inside client directory and Backend is inside server directory.

1. Clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:bhavesh-chaudhari/ts-nextjs-express-starter.git

2. Install frontend and backend dependencies

npm install # for frontend cd to client for backend cd to server

3. Run the development server

npm run dev # in both client and server directory

4. Environment Variables

  • Put .env file inside server/src/config for backend env variables or simply rename the existing .env.example to .env.
  • Use .env.local for env variables in nextjs.Further reading.

5. More to come...

To do

  • Add Husky, Prettier, Eslint setup
  • more...