
An exam portal which uses data(questions) saved in excel sheets on DropBox. Total Duration: 2.5 days

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  1. clone the project.
  2. run npm install && npm start
  3. **Please edit and add your own credentials if you want to run this project on your local machines in './src/config/config.js'


  1. Its assumed that facebook api will return correct reponse object with same key value pairs as the time of writing this code on authorization, which is used to display user's content.
  2. You have a proper working internet connection, as it requires internet for fb login, dropbox fetch and image share.
  3. When user choose to logout, instead of actually removing user from we simply exit user from our app for the session.
  4. In your dropBox file you have to keep the header contents same as specified in example file althought you can edit or add more content to excel sheet. But the type of data for each respective header(key) should be same. Example: you can add as many diferent type sections in excel sheets but one section each row as specified in example data.
  5. Name of the sections will be short maximum 10-12 characters long.
  6. User can't traverse from one route to another directly only way to it happens is by entering the link on address bar or by app itself as per the events.
  7. As of now it covers only happy cases in provided data. So the input of data has to be the same way.

Known Bugs but couldn't fix due to lack of time:

  1. While debugging ui if you resize the viewport, you may find some abnormalities happening there, its becuase how the sidebar and the content in page gets repositioned when sidebar opens. To fix it refresh the screen for current view size. (./src/components/ExamScreen/Sidebar)
  2. In Ui part, inside the test sceen header the question action-icons(on right side) are not properly scaled as per the device.


  1. Uploading to a host like imgur is not being done dues to some problem in base64 image generated through chart.js api. Although it can be downloaded on system

incomplete fixes:

  1. fixing some bits of ui for smaller devices is incomplete like keeping question header in exam which has actions to it, to be fixed. Config: The configuration can be updated by changing values at './src/config/config'. Note: This project entirely depends on facebook to provide data(it slows down the app while starting the app) about whether user is authenticated or not on page refresh if you want to keep the user logged in, if he has authorized his credential set AUTO_LOGIN = true, else change it to false.


  1. Sidebar has knowinly set less that device width for lesser size devices than desktop, so that user can close them by clicking on right sided empty space.
  2. All the css is located at ./src/App.css and ./src/index.css As of now code requires some refactoring and debugging.