Meal Sharing App

Explore an endless buffet of anonymously shared meals, connect with fellow foodies, and savor the flavors of community. Here users can bookmark their favourites, or create and share their special culinary creation with the community.

Group 6


  • Displays a curated feed of meals shared by community anonymously.
  • Users can search for meals by dish title, ingredients, cuisine, etc.
  • Users can apply filters on search results based on various criteria like meal type (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner), ingredients (e.g. Lemon, Green Chilli, etc.), dietary tags, etc.
  • Users can create their own meals by filling out title, description, tags, optional photos, etc.
  • Users can share their created meals with the community. Shared meals appear on the home page for others to see.
  • Users can bookmark meals they like for later reference. Bookmarked meals will be visible to a separate screen.
  • Users can change the language of the app
  • Theme settings allow users to switch between Light and Dark mode
  • Users can toggle between different view modes like List, Tile, or Details