
The Sanjivani NGO website for accepting donations and showcasing ngo's work. Built using ReactJs and SpringBoot at backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Sanjivani NGO - ReactJS & SpringBoot Project

This project is a web application for The Sanjivani NGO. It's built using ReactJS, Axios, and Bootstrap.


  • Donation Form: A user-friendly form for making donations.
  • Admin Login: Secure login for admins to view user details.
  • Carousel: A beautiful carousel for showcasing events and initiatives by the NGO.
  • Contact Form: A form for users to get in touch with the NGO.
  • Navbar and Footer: A beautiful and intuitive navigation bar and footer for easy navigation.

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
  • Bootstrap: The world's most popular front-end open-source toolkit.
  • SrpingBoot: Backend repo: https://github.com/bhaveshpatil07/The-Sanjivani-NGO-Server.

Getting Started

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/bhaveshpatil07/The-Sanjivani-NGO-ReactJs
Move to the desired folder:
cd sanjivani
Install the dependencies:
 npm install
Now we're almost done run the following command to start your web app:
 npm run start
Your site is live at

If you encounter any difficulty running it, feel free to contact on my email 😄

If you liked my work do give us a star ⭐⭐⭐ It Encourages us to do more 😉 💫