
This repo is a collection for FEniCS (version 2019.1.0) installation recipes to be built on SingularityHub.


Stable container for FEniCS 2019.1.0 with necessary dependencies. For questions/concerns email bhavesh.shrimali@gmail.com

netgenNew.recipe (stable and working)

  • Status: working
  • To install, first download and install Singularity and pull the image using singularity pull [options] shub://bhaveshshrimali/singularitFEniCS:recipe or download the recipe file and locally build using singularity build [options] netgenNew.recipe
  • The recipe installs the open source meshing software Netgen and ffmpeg on top of the latest stable dolfin docker image
  • To use, simply shell-in using singularity shell ... and run files as from the terminal. For more details and options, specifically for deploying it on a HPC cluster, see the singularity documentation above.

singularityMixedFEniCS.recipe (stable and working)

  • Status: working
  • A docker layer with Cecile Daversin's mixed-dimensional branch and Netgen installed.

singularityMultiphenics.recipe (stable and working)

  • Status: working
  • A similar layer as above save that this one builds on top of Francesco Ballrain's multiphenics library.

fenics.recipe (testing)

  • Status: experimental
  • Contains the development version of dolfin with NetGEN/NGSolve along with Gmsh-SDK