
Ionic3 Firebase demo

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Ionic2 demo with Firebase email/password authentication.

This Ionic2 application will show how to use Firebase email/password authentication in an Ionic2 application.

Getting started

This applications needs a Firebase application. So first you should login to your Firebase console at console.firebase.google.com, create an application and get your Firebase webapp configuration.

Next you need to open the src/app/app.module.ts file and replace the lines below with you configuration settings:

  apiKey: '*****',
  authDomain: '*****', 
  databaseURL: '*****',
  storageBucket: '*****',
  messagingSenderId: '*****' 

Next install the npm packages from the command line

$npm install

and start the application

$ionic serve

More information

For more information read this blog:

