
Open Summer Of Code Project in which we will generate tokens automatically for Car Parking.

Primary LanguagePython

Open Summer of Code : Automated Parking System

It aims to solve people's problems when parking their vehicles.

Star ⭐ and Fork the repository to earn bonus points.

Table Of Content

General Information

The automated parking system was created to solve people's problems when parking their vehicles. The project's goal is to display a single-vehicle in a specified parking place, therefore streamlining the process. This may be implemented by detecting and recognizing the license plate and keeping a parking slot database. It will also make it easier for parking lot guards to issue tokens to car owners.

Tech Stack

Front end: React Native, Flutter
Backend: NodeJS, Python-Django/Flask
Database: MySQL
Algorithm ANPR: OpenCV, Pytesseract, NumPY, TensorFlow


Here's a brief intro about what a contributor must do in order to start developing the project further:

  1. Open VSCode
  2. Copy the given command
git clone https://github.com/upes-open/OSC-Automated-Parking_System.git
  1. Go to folder according to the issue you are working and save your work
git add .
  1. Now commit your changes
git commit -m "your message"
  1. Select the issue you want to work upon and then Raise your first PR to get some extra points.