
This is multi module demo project of pipeline setup in java with spring boot + kafka + redis with retry or discard kafka consumption .

Kafka Setup

Download link : https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart Follow instruction of link to setup kafka with topics below :

  1. user_detail_topic
  2. retry_user_detail_topic
  3. discarded_user_detail_topic

Note: Make sure you start zookeeper and kafka server

#Redis Setup

Download link : https://redis.io/topics/quickstart Follow instruction of link to setup redis on your machine and start redis server with port 6379

Note: You can change port number but make sure you also change it same in common module's properties file

#Test -> After setting up kafka and redis on your machine you can run test class 'PersistenceTest.java' under api module.

-> To check retry and discard functionality you can manually shutdown the redis server and check. It will do max 3 attempt of retry. After that it will discard that record. To extend that you can also store it in any other storage to review.

#Other Note You can add common module as library to extend this project further as done in api module of this project.