
This package provides integration of laravel with the TinyPNG API. The package simply provides a Tinify facade that acts as a wrapper to the php api

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This package provides integration with the Tinify a.k.a TinyPNG API.

The package simply provides a Tinify facade that acts as a wrapper to the tinify/tinfiy-php

It was originaly developed by Marvin Oßwald

I added functionality to use of laravel bulit in config cache helper which was having issues of returning null when configs are cached via php artisan config:cache because it was directly loading via env helper. So, I converted it to use the api_key from config which can be defined to load from env and still use the php artisan config:cache command and it works.

For Laravel < 5.5, please use the 1.0.2 Tag!


Install the package via Composer:

   composer require msonowal/laravel-tinify

Laravel 5.5+:

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Add alias to config/app.php:

    'Tinify' => msonowal\LaravelTinify\Facades\Tinify::class


Publish the Configuration for the package which will create the config file tinify.php inside config directory

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="msonowal\LaravelTinify\LaravelTinifyServiceProvider"

Set a env variable "TINIFY_APIKEY" with your issued apikey or set api_key into config/tinify.php

This package is available under the MIT license.