Instruction to install dependencies


  1. Clone the repo:

    `git clone`
  2. Initialize the theme:

    cd meelgroup-website
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. View your new website on localhost:

    hugo server

    Now you can go to localhost:1313.

  4. To deploy, run:

    chmod +x

Instruction for adding Papers

  • To add a new paper(<name_of_paper>). Add <> like other md files and for adding bib information add <name_of_paper.bib> in static/files/citations/.

Instruction for adding Widgets

  • To create widgets and their md file in content/home(For eg. see that adds people widget.)
  • You'll also need to change config.toml to make any global configuration changes.

Instruction for adding your photos

  • See content/home/

  • Add your name (if you happen to have a homepage you can link your name to that url) under appropriate group and jpg/png image in /static/img/ directory. After that add html(see existing entries) with src changed to your image location.


  • The md files also take plain html. So if you want, you can hack html to make small changes.

  • Also when you run, the website rebuilds from the repo, So you may want to confirm your changes before running the script. Hence it's recommended that after making the changes you first run it on localhost using hugo server

  • In case you have pushed the wrong code, you can do a git reset HEAD~1 , push back again and rerun the script to reach back to the initial state.

  • If you're having trouble installing hugo and intend to make small changes only, you can also do the following:

     # Fork the repo 
     git clone<your_name>/<your_website_name>
     cd <your_website_name>
     git checkout -b <new_branch>
     # Make whatever changes,  git add and commit
     # Now go to github and initiate a Pull-Request 
     # Now the Maintainer would accept the PR and merge it with the master 

For more documentation see this.


Copyright 2017 George Cushen.

Released under the MIT license.
