Essentially what CRNN does is it integrates feature extraction, sequence modeling and transcription into a unified framework.
Advantages of this technique:
- End-to-end learning is possible.
- Sequence data of arbitrary length can be processed because of LSTM which is free in size of input and output sequence.
- There is no need for a detector or cropping technique to find each character one by one.
Dataset used: The Street View House Numbers (SVHN) Dataset
You can read more about CTC model in Keras here: It is quite an interesting paper in which they have explained how to perform the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) in a transparent way. It consists of three branches made of Keras models: one for training, computing the CTC loss function; one for predicting, providing sequences of labels; and one for evaluating that returns standard metrics for analyzing sequences of predictions.
Blog explaining CTC loss in detail: