Foodtopia - Backend

Foodtopia is a platform which customers can use to have food be delivered to their home and a restaurant can use to find customers seamlessly.

There are 6 types of users in our system: surfers, regular customers, VIP customers, delivery people, chefs, and managers. Surfers can browse menu items but are unable to do anything else until they register and their account is approved. Registered customers can order food, review delivery people, chefs, and food quality, and potentially become a VIP customer. In addition to all of the perks of being a customer, VIPs can order food at a 10% discount, their reviews/ratings count twice as much as that of a regular customer, and they have access to special dishes. Meanwhile, the application also provides managers with an interface from which they can manage virtually everything on the application.

The web application works as follows: a surfer registers to become a regular user with their personal information. Once the manager approves the user, the surfer becomes a regular user and is able to make orders. After a transaction is completed, the user can review the delivery person and chef. The delivery person can also review their customers. For a variety of reasons, managers can issue warnings and deregister regular customers or remove the VIP status of VIP customers.

Frontend Repo:

Implementation Specs:

This is the backend service for Foodtopia. It was developed by Bhavesh Shah, Zeal Patel, Greg Kimatov, Yihui Wuchen, and Victoria Yang for our Software Engineering class using TypeScript, Node, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose.

User Accounts

(feel free to make your own account for any user)


email: password: lskywalker


email: password: dvader


email: password: askywalker

email: password: Gordonramsay5*


email: password: djarin

email: password: Jeffbezos1#


Clone the repository
git clone
Install dependencies

It is recomended to install TypeScript globally on your machine using

npm install -g typescript

Run the following to install the necessary dependencies

npm i
Setup env file

Create a .env file in your repository folder, paste the following and replace your username, and password with your credentials

Setup sendgrid

Perform the following three steps in your terminal in the root directory and replace apikey with provided key

1) echo "export SENDGRID_API_KEY=apikey > sendgrid.env
2) echo "sendgrid.env" >> .gitignore
3) source ./sendgrid.env

Repo Structure

All of the TypeScript code goes in src folder

Helper functions

Write any helper functions that can be reused in other places in src/helpers folder

MongoDB models

Write MongoDB models in src/models folder

REST Routes

In the server.ts file, import your routes from src/routes and structure the url as /api/something

Create a route file for each model that will conist of the REST methods.

  • Write the middlewares for these routes in src/routes/middlewares folder.
    • Name a POST middleware as createModelName
    • Name a GET middleware as getModelName
    • Name a PUT/ PATCH middleware as updateModelName
    • Name a DELETE middleware as deleteModelName

Available scripts

npm run server

Starts a nodemon server that watches changes to your TypeScript code and refresh the server without having to run node command after each change.

It should print Server started on port 5000 and MongoDB Connected if everything ran correctly.

Run this script to make requests using Postman.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.

npm run start

Runs production version of the code