
Weaviate.io website

Primary LanguageHTMLBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Weaviate website

This repo contains the Weaviate website, it's built using Jekyll.

Installing & Running


  • Software Dependencies

  • Installing Dependencies in Ubuntu/Debian

    # update
    sudo apt update
    # install dependencies for installing ruby
    sudo apt install git curl libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev autoconf bison build-essential libyaml-dev libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm-dev
    # install rbenv[ruby version manager] from its official repo
    curl -fsSL https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv-installer/raw/HEAD/bin/rbenv-installer | bash
    # add ~/.rbenv/bin to your $PATH so that you can use the rbenv command line utility
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    # make rbenv load automatically by adding it to .bashrc
    echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
    # apply changes to current shell session
    source ~/.bashrc
    # verify if rbenv is installed[Output - rbenv is a function]
    type rbenv
    # install ruby-build plugin from official github repo, adds the rbenv install command
    git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git
    # Create this temporary environment variable and run the script[requires sudo]
    PREFIX=/usr/local sudo ./ruby-build/install.sh
    # list out ruby versions available for install [choose any version > 2.5.0]
    rbenv install -l
    # install a version from the list
    rbenv install [VERSION_SELECTED]
    # for example
    rbenv install 2.7.6
    # set selected version as default
    rbenv global [VERSION_SELECTED]
  • Installing Dependencies Windows

    • Please use WSL
    • Read the documentation on installing WSL on Windows
    • Once the WSL is set up, use the same steps as above in ubuntu/debian to install dependencies
  • Installing Dependencies in MacOS

    # install dependencies
    brew install rsync openssl rbenv ruby-build ruby_dev
    # install ruby 2.7.5
    rbenv install 2.7.5
    # initialize rbenv
    eval "$(rbenv init -)"
    # set the ruby version locally to 2.7.5
    rbenv local 2.7.5
  • Check if dependencies are installed correctly (each should give a version as output)

    ruby -v
    gem -v

Setting up the repository

  • To get the site up and running locally, follow the below steps:

    Note You need to have a full Bash environment. If you're on Windows, please use WSL.

  • Fork the repository You can get your own fork/copy of weaviate.io by using the Fork button

  • Create a local clone of the website:

    git clone git@github.com:[YOUR-USERNAME]/weaviate-io.git
  • Change into the weaviate-io directory

    cd weaviate-io
  • Add upstream URL, this acts as a reference from original weaviate.io's repository

    git remote add upstream git@github.com:semi-technologies/weaviate-io.git
  • Install Jekyll and Bundler

    gem install jekyll bundler
  • Verify jekyll installation

    jekyll -v
  • Perform the following commands to install dependencies and structure the website properly:

    bundle install
  • Build the site and make it available on your local server

    bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Browse http://localhost:4000 to view the website.

OG image generator

OG images for documentation are created and linked automatically. The og tag in front matter should only be used for manual override. E.g. The architecture/binary_passage_retrieval.md image would be located at img/og/og-documentation/architecture-binary-passage-retrieval.jpg.