
This repo contains solution for some Operating System questions suited for Linux. For each question there are more than one files. One is .c file of the code and other is .txt file which demonstrate an example output.
The format of files is osassgnX_ 99.c/txt where x is the number assigned to the question. \

To compile a c file perform this command

gcc osassign1_99.c -o abc Here abc is the name of executable file

To run



Install linux and write a C program for insertion sort using gcc.
Explore the linux commands, gcc compiler.
After writing the Insertion Sort Code. Compile it using

gcc osassign1_99.c -o osassign1

After this you'll get an executable file the the name osassign1 Run this using



Write a C program to check process ids of the program and the parent of
the program process

  1. Use system command to execute ps command to get all the processes under the current user system (“ps”)
  2. Use getpid() and getppid() to get the program process and parent process ids Check if the program process id and parent process ids are listed in the ps command.


Write a program to create two pipes for two way communication. Fork a child process and exchange the following messages between parent and child.
Child --- Parent Mesg1: Please give content of file test.txt
Parent reads the file name and checks it is valid and reads the content.
Parent --Child Mesg2: Contents of the file
Child --Parent: Mesg3 Exit
Parent must wait for the child to exit.
Parent exits after getting message and signal from the wait signal call. \


i) Write a program to fork a child process using fork() command. Child process must execute ps system call and display its process id and parent process id.
ii) Write two programs serverprogram.c and clientprogram.c and compile them separately as serverprogram and clientprogram respectively. \

Clientprogram.c must print the n numbers
Serverprogram.c must fork a child process which should execute the clientprogram using exec command.
To compile the serverprogram (osassign4_server_99.c)

gcc osassign4_server_99.c -o serverprogram

To compile the clientprogram (osassign4_client_99.c)

gcc osassign4_client_99.c -o clientprogram

run using



Objective: Communication between independent processes using Message Queues.
Write two programs msgq_server.c and msgq_client.c. msgq_server:
-creates a message queue - reads message from queue for an integer . \

  • converts integer to binary format and writes it to the queue.
    -attaches itself to the queue -prompts user to enter an integer and writes it to the queue.
    -reads the binary format sent from the server on the queue \

To compile the serverprogram (osassign5_msgqserv_99.c)

gcc osassign5_msgqserv_99.c -o msgq_server

To compile the clientprogram (osassign5_msgqcli_99.c)

gcc osassign5_msgqcli_99.c -o msgq_client

Open two different terminals and run the following commands in each of them simultaneously
run using
In First Terminal


In Second Terminal
