nuScenes to Argoverse Converter

This repository provides a set of tools to convert all nuScenes raw data and map data to the Argoverse format. There are 3 main scripts:

  • nuScenes samples (2 hz) converter:
  • nuScenes sweeps (20 hz) and samples (2 hz) converter:
  • nuScenes v1.3 map converter:


nuscenes-devkit argoverse-api

Data Format Overview

NuScenes dataset stores the raw data in a relational database as described here. Lidar data is provided in the sensor coordinate system and each point has 5 dimensions. The x,y,z coordinates, intensity and ring index. The intensity measures the reflectivity of the objects and ring index is the index of the laser ranging from 0 to 31. Annotations are provided in the global city coordinate frame.