Implement backend code for the following problem statements
Write a method that reads phone book records from a CSV or JSON file. Each record consists of the following parameters Name, email, Phone 1, Phone 2.
Implement a SQL-like parser for phone book records in Problem 1 to implement CRUD operaNons and print SQL like output on console.
2.1 : SELECT * FROM phone_records; This statement reads the first 10 records and displays them on the console.
2.2 SELECT * FROM phone_records WHERE name=’doe’; this statement filters the records and displays the record(s) where ‘Doe’ is found
2.3 INSERT INTO phone_records(name, email,phone 1, phone 2) VALUES(‘Test’,’test@test.xtyz’,’1234456’,’1233233’) This statement should create a new entry in the dataset and the same should be obtained when execuNng secNon 2.2 (i.e. the previous example)
2.4 DELETE FROM phone_records WHERE name=’John’ This statement should delete the record from the dataset.
- Python 3.x
- Jupyter Notebook
- pandas
- csv
- faker
- prettytable (pip install PrettyTable)
Click on Cell in navigation bar and select Run All option. You can see the implementation and results for all the given commands.
Separate SQL-like parsing functions have been written for each of the given commands to avoid confusion and increase clarity.
The csv file which is present here is just a sample to show that the format of the data is rightly generated according to the initial requirements of the task. In the implementation, synthetic generation of data has been done , due to which the data changes each time. Not to be confused with the sample data in this csv file.