
A modern note taking application with clean design.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Scriptus Notes

Scriptus Notes is a Modern Note Taking App with a unique and sophisticated design which will allow you to scribble down all your unique and amazing ideas, and give yourself a productivity boost by managing your task list and more.

Netlify Status




  • It is made using Halcyon-UI
  • This is a frontend Note Taking Application created using the mock backend mockBee.
  • Contains modular React components
  • Easy to use website
  • Responsive
  • Modern and Clean Design

Project Screens and Functionality

  • Home Page
  • Landing page with a clean design and a call to action button to create notes
  • Authentication
  • Login and Sign Up features that will allow notes to be saved according to user
  • After successful login, user can see a logout button on the navbar
  • User can logout and new user can login
  • Add Note
  • After login, user can start creating notes using an add note form. After clicking on Save Note, the added note will be displayed below the add note box.
  • The note will be saved with the date added displayed, labels and color
  • Color Palette can be open while adding note to choose the color from a wide range of options
  • Edit Note
  • On clicking the pen icon on the saved note, a modal will open up which will allow user to edit the note title, content, color and label.
  • After clicking on edit, the updated note will be saved.
  • Delete Note
  • On clicking Trash icon, note will be removed from saved and added to Trash Page. (Cannot be restored from Trash)
  • Archive Note
  • On clicking the archive icon on the saved note, it will be added to Archive Page.
  • Note can be restored from Archive, it will be added back to the Saved notes page
  • Note can be deleted from Archive, it will get permanently deleted
  • Change Note Color
  • Note color can be changed while adding note, or on editing saved note
  • Color Palette will be opened to choose from wide variety of colors
  • Create new label
  • Notes can be labelled while adding, selecting a label from the drop down. The labels can also be edited.
  • Some labels are available by default, but user can Create New Label from the sidebar, by adding a label and clicking on + button, this will add the new label to the sidebar as well as in the options while adding/editing note.

Features to be added (Work in Progress)

  • Rich Text Editor
  • Filtering by labels/tags
  • Filtering by priority
  • Searching
  • Adding Images to Note

Tech Stack

  • React.js
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/bhavyaj12/scriptus-halcyon-notes.git


This project is meant to be open source! Do feel free to add bugs and fork the repo for contribution. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Fork the project repository
  • Clone your fork
  • Create a new branch with a proper feature name, in your local repo
  • Make chages, commit and push
  • Raise a Pull Request

Liked the project? Do please ⭐ it :)


🔗 Links

  • Have a job/internship/project opportunity? Ping me here:-

