Application server with the following endpoints:
/internal -> responds with text response "internal"
/external -> responds with text response "external"
/cached -> responds with text response "cached"
Fronting this application server with Nginx. In Nginx, following rules are added for the endpoints:
/cached is cached
/internal is accessible only from specific ips.
/external is accessible to the general public. \
Deploying the application server in one machine and Nginx in another machine
Note: Assuming Linux-based Ubuntu bionic OS for all hosts
Set-up the stack (locally for demo purposes): Requirements: "docker" and "docker-compose" installed. No program using ports 8000, 8001 and 8081.
Commands to run:
git clone git@github.com:bhavyakeniya/sliceit.git; cd sliceit; docker-compose up --build -d;
This sets up the stack locally with 3 containers repesenting
- control machine(from where ansible playbooks will be executed)
- loadbalancer (which will run nginx)
- appserver (on which the application will be deployed)
Required SSH connections will be automatically setup within the containers and thus imitating the real world stack.
Enter the Control machine with the following command:
docker exec -it -u ansible sliceit_control_1 bash
Configure end-to-end stack by running the playbook
ansible-playbook sliceit.yml
This will provision the entire stack and you will have your application up and running
The loadbalancer will be setup on localhost on port 8001. Test the following URLs:
As required, endpoint "external" will be accessible to the general public, endpoint "internal" will only be accessed from within the appserver(s), endpoint "cached" will be cached if it's requested for more than 3 times.
Note: Screenshots of the behaviours of all endpoints is available here
- stack_status playbook to know the status of end-to-end stack
- stack_restart playbook to restart the entire stack
Requirement: Hardening of servers
Steps to run end-to-end provisioning still remains the same as explained earlier.
Hardening steps implemented are mentioned here