A better, user-friendly JSON editing form field for Django admin. Also supports Postgres ArrayField.
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Type annotations / stubs
#170 opened by H4rryK4ne - 6
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tests dir in .venv broke project tests
#165 opened by egorgam - 5
List of JSON data is not populating as expected
#172 opened by Alihassanc5 - 4
Issue with errors for fields inside an anyOf schema not displaying correctly
#160 opened by trumpet2012 - 2
Cooperation with other repository `django-pydantic-field` for model schema validation
#163 opened by sshishov - 0
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Using an object with empty Properties, having all properties inside AdditionalProperties
#144 opened by ErikKoinberg - 3
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JSONFieldWidget attrs
#166 opened by hdeng88 - 3
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Decimal values not allowed when entering integer minimum and maximum for 'number' types
#157 opened by ErikKoinberg - 3
Define defaults for an array
#158 opened by captain828 - 5
Add button to open link in URLField
#156 opened by WillNilges - 0
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Setting JSONField schema dynamically
#145 opened by ErikKoinberg - 2
Dynamic header generation for array items
#149 opened by ErikKoinberg - 1
Horizontal display of properties
#148 opened by ErikKoinberg - 1
Customising "Add key" and "Add item" texts
#150 opened by ErikKoinberg - 0
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Bug when using multi select with custom title
#136 opened by maciejpolanczyk - 4
Default layout of jsonform in Django Admin
#135 opened by gersmann - 1
New release
#139 opened by andres-holvi - 1
Object of type UUID is not JSON serializable
#137 opened by andres-holvi - 2
Including the JS in our own bundle?
#134 opened by sergei-maertens - 1
Add option to show the json value
#133 opened by alexgmin - 2
When the form has initial data and the schema is updated, the form throws an error
#131 opened by bhch - 10
Can not select option from list
#126 opened by maciejpolanczyk - 4
When initial form data is empty, the widget doesn't create the expected data structure
#130 opened by ooppsss60 - 4
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Support for related objects in Dropdown
#122 opened by wlisesrivas - 2
Allow autocomplete when using multiselect
#124 opened by maciejpolanczyk - 1
DeprecationWarning on pkg_resources usage
#129 opened by alexgmin - 4
Referencing to an external jsonschema file
#127 opened by shodhansave - 3
Schema-free JSON?
#123 opened by eyesee1 - 1
JS widget for schema in field
#110 opened by johanneswilm - 0
Rich text input widget
#120 opened by bhch - 1
Support for making the whole form readonly
#119 opened by bhch - 1
Radio button displayed incorrectly
#118 opened by maciejpolanczyk - 2
Error message for uniqueItems is not readable
#117 opened by maciejpolanczyk - 4
Add ability to see selected values in a multi choice
#116 opened by llybin - 8
If additionalProperties is used with dict, the title field overrides the dict key in the display
#114 opened by alexgmin - 2
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Add support for multiple types
#113 opened by bhch - 0
Validate choices for string, number, etc. types
#111 opened by bhch - 2