
LevelDB D wrapper

Primary LanguageDBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

#D-Leveldb Build Status A Leveldb implementation for D. Requires leveldb deimos bindings.


import leveldb, std.stdio;

void main()
    auto opt = new Options;
    opt.create_if_missing = true;

    auto db = new DB(opt, "path_to_my_db_folder");
    db.put("Hello", "World");

    assert(db.get_slice("Hello").as!string == "World");

    db.put("PI", 3.14);

    foreach(Slice key, Slice value; db)
        if(key.as!string == "PI")
            writeln(key.as!string, ": ", value.as!double);
            writeln(key.as!string, ": ", value.as!string);

##Leveldb Version: 1.16.0


Get this with dub.

To use this package, put the following dependency into your project's package.json into the dependencies section:

        "dependencies": {
                "d-leveldb": "~master"