
React 1 - Mini - Class

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Summary

In this project we will use an npm package called create-react-app to quickly spin up a react application. We'll cover how to use onClick and onChange events in React, state, JSX, and how to import/export components.


  • Fork and clone this repository and then cd into it.
  • If you don't have create-react-app installed, do so by running sudo npm install -g create-react-app.
  • Run create-react-app appin the root directory. ( This will create a folder called app )
  • Open the newly created app folder in your editor.
  • Make sure to move the calculator.png image into the app/src folder to avoid any errors!

Step 1


In this step we will modify the first component create-react-app makes for us.


  • Open src/App.js.
  • Delete all the content in the return statement in the render method.
  • Remove all content from App.css and paste in the solution. ( Found below )
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (


export default App;
body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;

.remove-highlight {
  user-select: none;

#calculator-container {
  height: 325px;

#calculator-mask {
  width: 325px;
  height: 267px;
  position: relative;
  top: -272px;

.btn {
  width: 66px;
  height: 40px;
  display: inline-block;
  position: absolute;
  cursor: pointer;

.output {
  position: absolute;
  width: 212px;
  height: 40px;
  top: 21px;
  left: 93px;

.total {
  position: absolute;
  right: 7px;
  bottom: 3px;
  font-size: 27px;
  color: burlywood;

.clear {
  left: 20px;
  bottom: 206px;

.zero {
  bottom: 18px;
  left: 20px;

.one {
  bottom: 65px;
  left: 20px;

.two {
  bottom: 65px;
  left: 93px;

.three {
  bottom: 65px;
  left: 166px;

.four {
  bottom: 112px;
  left: 20px;

.five {
  bottom: 112px;
  left: 93px;

.six {
  bottom: 112px;
  left: 166px;

.seven {
  bottom: 159px;
  left: 20px;

.eight {
  bottom: 159px;
  left: 93px;

.nine {
  bottom: 159px;
  left: 166px;

.decimal {
  bottom: 18px;
  left: 93px;

.equal {
  bottom: 18px;
  left: 166px;

.multiply {
  bottom: 18px;
  left: 239px;

.divide {
  bottom: 65px;
  left: 239px;

.subtract {
  bottom: 112px;
  left: 239px;

.add {
  bottom: 159px;
  left: 239px;

#header {
  text-align: center;
  color: #6ebfe0;

#header-input {
  width: 325px;
  height: 33px;

Step 2


In this step we will create our Calculator component that will render in our calculator.


  • Create a folder called components inside of the src folder. (app/src)
  • Create a folder called Calculator inside of the components folder. ( app/src/components )
  • Create a file called Caclulator.js inside of the Calculator folder you just created.
  • Create a basic react component called Calculator in the Calculator.js file you just created.
  • Import the calculator image from the root directory. ( hint: import varName from "picturepath.png" )
    • Call your variable calculatorImg.
  • Paste the following JSX layout inside the render method of the Calculator component. ( Found below )
    • JSX Layout
      return (
        <div id="calculator-container">
          <input id="header-input"/>
          <h1 id="header"> Calculator </h1>
          <img className="remove-highlight" src={calculatorImg} alt="calculator" />
          <div id="calculator-mask" className="remove-highlight">
            <div className="output">
              <span className="total"></span>
            <div className="btn clear"></div>
            <div className="btn zero"></div>
            <div className="btn one"></div>
            <div className="btn two"></div>
            <div className="btn three"></div>
            <div className="btn four"></div>
            <div className="btn five"></div>
            <div className="btn six"></div>
            <div className="btn seven"></div>
            <div className="btn eight"></div>
            <div className="btn nine"></div>
            <div className="btn equal"></div>
            <div className="btn multiply"></div>
            <div className="btn divide"></div>
            <div className="btn subtract"></div>
            <div className="btn add"></div>
  • Export default the calculator component at the bottom of Calculator.js.
  • Import the calculator component in App.js.
  • Add the calculator component in the return of the render method in App.js.
  • Once you finish these steps run npm start (from the app folder) on the command line and you should see your calculator rendered on the screen.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import calculatorImg from '../../../../calculator.png';

class Calculator extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div id="calculator-container">
        <input id="header-input"/>
        <h1 id="header"> Calculator </h1>
        <img className="remove-highlight" src={calculatorImg} alt="calculator" />
        <div id="calculator-mask" className="remove-highlight">
          <div className="output">
            <span className="total"></span>

          <div className="btn clear"></div>

          <div className="btn zero"></div>
          <div className="btn one"></div>
          <div className="btn two"></div>
          <div className="btn three"></div>
          <div className="btn four"></div>
          <div className="btn five"></div>
          <div className="btn six"></div>
          <div className="btn seven"></div>
          <div className="btn eight"></div>
          <div className="btn nine"></div>

          <div className="btn equal"></div>
          <div className="btn multiply"></div>
          <div className="btn divide"></div>
          <div className="btn subtract"></div>
          <div className="btn add"></div>

export default Calculator;
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

import Calculator from './components/Calculator/Calculator';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Calculator />

export default App;

Step 3


In this step we'll make our calculator header editable by the user using state and an onChange event in Calculator.js.

Our header has two pieces : The visible text and an invisible input box. We're going to wire up the header so that when we click on it we can type in the invisible input box and the text part will update.

VOCAB : class method = A class method is a method on a class. It is a sibling to the constructor function.


  • Open Calculator.js. ( src/components/Calculator/Calculator.js )
  • Create a constructor method on the same level as the render method.
    • Inside the contructor method invoke the super() method.
    • After super(), create a state object that has a header property and give it a default value of "Calculator".
  • Create a class method called updateHeader that takes val as a parameter.
    • This method should set the header property on state to the value of val. ( hint: this.setState({...}) )
  • Add an onChange event to the input element with an id of #header-input and make its value be an arrow function that receives a parameter e. This parameter represents the changeEvent object.
  • Inside the arrow function, call the updateHeader method and pass in the value from the event: e.target.value.
  • Inside the h1 element #header, change Calculator to the value of the header property on state. ( hint: {this.state.xyz} )
  • Test your header is working by clicking on it and typing in a new header.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import calculatorImg from '../../../../calculator.png';

class Calculator extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      header: 'Calculator'

  updateHeader(val) {
    this.setState({ header: val });

  render() {
    return (
      <div id="calculator-container">
        <input id="header-input" onChange={ (e) => { this.updateHeader(e.target.value); }}/>
        <h1 id="header"> {this.state.header} </h1>
        <img className="remove-highlight" src={calculatorImg} alt="calculator" />
        <div id="calculator-mask" className="remove-highlight">

          <div className="output">
            <span className="total"></span>

          <div className="btn clear"></div>

          <div className="btn zero"></div>
          <div className="btn one"></div>
          <div className="btn two"></div>
          <div className="btn three"></div>
          <div className="btn four"></div>
          <div className="btn five"></div>
          <div className="btn six"></div>
          <div className="btn seven"></div>
          <div className="btn eight"></div>
          <div className="btn nine"></div>

          <div className="btn equal"></div>
          <div className="btn multiply"></div>
          <div className="btn divide"></div>
          <div className="btn subtract"></div>
          <div className="btn add"></div>

export default Calculator;

You should now be able to click on the header and type in a new value for it.

Step 4


In this step we will assign variables to state which we will need to keep track of information during run time.

VOCAB: Run-time means the state of the code while the application is running, not while we're writing it.


  • Open Calculator.js ( src/components/Calculator/Calculator.js ) and go to the state object in the constructor method.
  • Add display to state with an initial value of '0'.
  • Add operator to state with an initial value of ''.
  • Add temp to state with an initial value of 0.
  • Add resetDisplay to state with an initial value of false.

Notice how display is a string and temp is an integer.


Constructor Function
constructor() {
  this.state = {
    header: 'Calculator',
    display: '0',
    operator: '',
    temp: 0,
    resetDisplay: false

Step 5


In this step we will create a method called setDisplay() that will allow us to click on the number buttons and see the number appear in the output of the calculator.


  • Open Calculator.js. ( src/components/Calculator/Calculator.js )
  • Change the value of the span with the class of .total to the value of the display property on state. ( hint: { this.state.abc } )
  • Create a setDisplay class method that takes a parameter called num. This method should then use num to update the value of display on state.
  • Update buttons zero through nine to call the setDisplay method with the correct number in string format. You can tell which button is which number by its class.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import calculatorImg from '../../../../calculator.png';

class Calculator extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      header: 'Calculator',
      display: '0',
      operator: '',
      temp: 0,
      resetDisplay: false,

  updateHeader(val) {
    this.setState({ header: val });

  setDisplay(num) {
    this.setState({ display: this.state.display + num });

  render() {
    return (
      <div id="calculator-container">
        <input id="header-input" onChange={ (e) => { this.updateHeader(e.target.value); }}/>
        <h1 id="header"> {this.state.header} </h1>
        <img className="remove-highlight" src={calculatorImg} alt="calculator" />
        <div id="calculator-mask" className="remove-highlight">

          <div className="output">
            <span className="total"> { this.state.display } </span>

          <div className="btn clear"></div>

          <div className="btn zero"   onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('0'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn one"    onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('1'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn two"    onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('2'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn three"  onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('3'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn four"   onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('4'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn five"   onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('5'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn six"    onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('6'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn seven"  onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('7'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn eight"  onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('8'); } }></div>
          <div className="btn nine"   onClick={ () => { this.setDisplay('9'); } }></div>

          <div className="btn equal"></div>
          <div className="btn multiply"></div>
          <div className="btn divide"></div>
          <div className="btn subtract"></div>
          <div className="btn add"></div>

export default Calculator;

Step 6


In this step we will be tweaking our calculator to handle certain scenarios. If we click on our buttons we can see that our display now updates. However our calculator keeps the initial 0 and also doesn't account for length and can break out of its container.


  • Open Calculator.js. ( src/components/Calculator/Calculator.js )
  • Create a variable called display inside the setDisplay method.
  • Assign the new variable display a value:
    • If this.state.display is "0" then display should equal num
    • Otherwise display should equal this.state.display + num
  • Modify this.setState to update display:
    • If this.state.display is less than 13 characters then update with the new display variable.
    • Otherwise update with the current value of this.state.display.


setDisplay method
setDisplay(num) {
  var display = ( this.state.display === '0' ) ? num : this.state.display + num;
  this.setState({ display: (this.state.display.length < 13) ? display : this.state.display })


Step 7


In this step will be adding a setOperator method that will handle setting our math operator using an operator parameter.


  • Open Calculator.js. ( src/components/Calcualtor/Calculator.js )
  • Create a method called setOperator that takes a parameter called operator.
  • Update the operator div elements to call the setOperator method with the correct operator. You can tell which div elements are operators by their class name.
    • Use "+" for addition
    • Use "-" for subtraction
    • Use "/" for division
    • Use "*" for multiplication
  • Add an if statement at the beginning of the setOperator method that checks if the operator has not been set. ( hint: look at the defualt value for this.state.operator )
  • Update the operator, temp, and display properties on state in the if statement in the setOperator method.
    • temp should equal the current display value on state parsed to an integer.
    • display should equal "0".
    • operator should equal the value of the operator parameter.


setOperator method
// setOperator Method
setOperator(operator) {
  if ( !this.state.operator ) {
    this.setState({ operator: operator, temp: parseInt(this.state.display, 10), display: '0' });

// JSX in return of Calculator.js
<div className="btn multiply" onClick={ () => { this.setOperator('*'); } }></div>
<div className="btn divide"   onClick={ () => { this.setOperator('/'); } }></div>
<div className="btn subtract" onClick={ () => { this.setOperator('-'); } }></div>
<div className="btn add"      onClick={ () => { this.setOperator('+'); } }></div>

Step 8


In this step we will be adding a calculate method that will preform the user selected operation.


  • Open Calculator.js. ( src/components/Calculator/Calculator.js )
  • Create a calculate method.
  • Update the .btn equal element to call the calculate method.
  • Add an if statement at the beginning of the calculate method that calls return; if the operator hasn't been set yet.
  • Create a variable called result after the if statement.
  • Switch the operator value on state, based on it's value ( "+", "-", "/", "*" ) perform the correct math operation and update the value of the result variable.
  • Update the display property on state with result after the switch statement.


calculate method
calculate() {
  if ( this.state.operator === '' ) { return; }
  var result;

  switch ( this.state.operator ) {
    case '+':
      result = this.state.temp + parseInt(this.state.display, 10);
    case '-':
      result = this.state.temp - parseInt(this.state.display, 10);
    case '*':
      result = this.state.temp * parseInt(this.state.display, 10);
    case '/':
      result = this.state.temp / parseInt(this.state.display, 10);

  this.setState({ display: String(result) });

Step 9


In this step we will be making the clear button work.


  • Open Calculator.js. ( src/components/Calculator/Calculator.js )
  • Create a clearDisplay method.
  • Update the .btn clear element to call the clearDisplay method.
  • In the clearDisplay method use setState to reset the properties on state to their default values.


clearDisplay method
clearDisplay() {
  this.setState({ display: '0', temp: 0, operator: '', resetDisplay: false });

Black Diamond


Figure out how to use the resetDisplay state property so that the user can start doing other math operations when clicking on a number after pressing equals.



If you see a problem or a typo, please fork, make the necessary changes, and create a pull request so we can review your changes and merge them into the master repo and branch.


© DevMountain LLC, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from DevMountain, LLC is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to DevMountain with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.