
Code for the paper: Language Models as Knowledge Bases: On Entity Representations, Storage Capacity, and Paraphrased Queries (EACL 2021)

Primary LanguagePython

This repository contains code and data for the EACL 2021 paper Language Models as Knowledge Bases: On Entity Representations, Storage Capacity, and Paraphrased Queries by Benjamin Heinzerling and Kentaro Inui.


To run memorization experiments, clone this repository, install the dependencies, then download and extract Wikidata statements and entity embeddings:

The basic command to run a memorization experiment is python main.py train.

The size of the entity vocabulary can be set with --top-n and the number of facts to store in the LM with --n-facts. The entity representation can be selected with --entity-repr, either 'symbol' or 'continuous'

For example, to store 20k facts with symbolic representation in an LSTM:

python main.py train --top-n 10000 --n-facts 20000 --entity-repr symbol --architecture lstm --n-layers 2 --n-hidden 1024 --lr 0.001 --batch-size 128

Or with continuous representation, i.e. using entity embeddings as training signal:

python main.py train --top-n 10000 --n-facts 20000 --entity-repr continuous --architecture lstm --n-layers 2 --n-hidden 1024 --lr 0.001 --batch-size 128

The same with a Transformer instead of an LSTM:

python main.py train --top-n 10000 --n-facts 20000 --entity-repr symbol --architecture transformer --batch-size 128
python main.py train --top-n 10000 --n-facts 20000 --entity-repr continuous --architecture transformer --batch-size 128

If everthing works, You should get output like this:

2020-10-04 10:51:41| main.py train --top-n 10000 --n-facts 20000 --entity-repr symbol --architecture lstm --n-layers 2 --n-hidden 1024 --lr 0.001 --batch-size 128
2020-10-04 10:51:41| n_facts: 20000 | batch size: 128
2020-10-04 10:51:41| Lock 140650883596928 acquired on out/runid.lock
2020-10-04 10:51:41| Lock 140650883596928 released on out/runid.lock
2020-10-04 10:51:41| rundir: out/28
2020-10-04 10:51:41| loading data
2020-10-04 10:51:41| loading cache/wikidatarelationstatements.tensors.top_n10000.max_seq_len60.max_train_inst20000.max_eval_inst1000.max_test_inst1000.pth
2020-10-04 10:51:41| 20000 train instances | 157 batches
2020-10-04 10:51:41| 1000 dev instances | 32 batches
2020-10-04 10:51:47| model params: 40985172 trainable | 0 fixed
2020-10-04 10:51:47| mlflow backend for exp dev: sqlite:///mlflow.db
2020-10-04 10:51:48| Early stopping patience: 20
2020-10-04 10:51:49| mlflow runid:  b720ec0c05834438921ce9a91c55c0da
2020-10-04 10:51:49| Engine run starting with max_epochs=1000.
2020-10-04 10:51:49| No checkpoint found.
2020-10-04 10:51:56| epoch 0001 train | loss 6.4375
2020-10-04 10:51:56| Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
2020-10-04 10:51:57| Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:01
<s>Royal Society belongs to the country <mask></s> | United Kingdom | United States of America ✗
<s>Savona is an instance of <mask></s> | comune of Italy | university ✗
<s>alumnus is a subclass of <mask></s> | student | Climate Alliance ✗
<s>Serbian Orthodox Church has the official language <mask></s> | Serbian | English ✗
<s>Ho Chi Minh City belongs to the country <mask></s> | Vietnam | United States of America ✗
2020-10-04 10:51:58| checkpoint_acc=0.1760.pt
2020-10-04 10:51:58| Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:01
2020-10-04 10:51:58| epoch 0001 dev | loss 5.3016 | acc 0.1760 | hits10 0.4430 | hits100 0.6620
2020-10-04 10:51:58| Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:07


2020-10-04 11:04:10| epoch 0079 train | loss 0.0204
2020-10-04 11:04:10| Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
2020-10-04 11:04:11| Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:01
<s>Royal Society belongs to the country <mask></s> | United Kingdom | United Kingdom ✓
<s>Savona is an instance of <mask></s> | comune of Italy | comune of Italy ✓
<s>alumnus is a subclass of <mask></s> | student | student ✓
<s>Serbian Orthodox Church has the official language <mask></s> | Serbian | Serbian ✓
<s>Ho Chi Minh City belongs to the country <mask></s> | Vietnam | Vietnam ✓
2020-10-04 11:04:11| checkpoint_acc=0.9890.pt
2020-10-04 11:04:11| EarlyStopping: Stop training
2020-10-04 11:04:11| Terminate signaled. Engine will stop after current iteration is finished.
2020-10-04 11:04:11| Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:01
2020-10-04 11:04:11| epoch 0079 dev | loss 0.0729 | acc 0.9890 | hits10 0.9990 | hits100 1.0000
2020-10-04 11:04:11| Epoch[79] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:07
{'entity_repr': 'symbol', 'n_hidden': 1024, 'n_layers': 2, 'n_params': 40985172, 'jobid': None, 'n_facts': 20000, 'top_n': 10000, 'architecture': 'lstm', 'transformer_model': 'roberta-base', 'random_seed': 1, 'kb_emb_dim': 64, 'dataset': 'wikidatarelationstatements', 'max_seq_len': 60, 'checkpoint_file': 'checkpoint_acc=0.9890.pt', 'final_epoch': 79, 'loss': 0.07294197380542755, 'acc': 0.989, 'hits10': 0.999, 'hits100': 1.0}