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Advent of Code 2017

These are my solutions to Advent of Code, written in Java. Join my leaderboard with the code 99710-bed42a93.

To run the solutions, the easiest way is to use maven:

mvn package exec:java

This will run the current day's challenge. To run a specific challenge, just pass the number as an argument:

mvn package exec:java -Dexec.args="${DAY}"

Alternatively, all solutions can be run by passing a non-positive number as the day:

mvn package exec:java -Dexec.args="-1"


Day 1

Part 1

The captcha requires you to review a sequence of digits (your puzzle input) and find the sum of all digits that match the next digit in the list. The list is circular, so the digit after the last digit is the first digit in the list.

Part 2

Instead of considering the next digit, it wants you to consider the digit halfway around the circular list. That is, if your list contains 10 items, only include a digit in your sum if the digit 10/2 = 5 steps forward matches it. Fortunately, your list has an even number of elements.

What is the solution to your new captcha?


Day 2

Part 1

The spreadsheet consists of rows of apparently-random numbers. To make sure the recovery process is on the right track, they need you to calculate the spreadsheet's checksum. For each row, determine the difference between the largest value and the smallest value; the checksum is the sum of all of these differences.

What is the checksum for the spreadsheet in your puzzle input?

Part 2

It sounds like the goal is to find the only two numbers in each row where one evenly divides the other - that is, where the result of the division operation is a whole number. They would like you to find those numbers on each line, divide them, and add up each line's result.

What is the sum of each row's result in your puzzle input?


Day 3

Part 1

You come across an experimental new kind of memory stored on an infinite two-dimensional grid.

Each square on the grid is allocated in a spiral pattern starting at a location marked 1 and then counting up while spiraling outward.

While this is very space-efficient (no squares are skipped), requested data must be carried back to square 1 (the location of the only access port for this memory system) by programs that can only move up, down, left, or right. They always take the shortest path: the Manhattan Distance between the location of the data and square 1.

How many steps are required to carry the data from the square identified in your puzzle input all the way to the access port?

Part 2

As a stress test on the system, the programs here clear the grid and then store the value 1 in square 1. Then, in the same allocation order as shown above, they store the sum of the values in all adjacent squares, including diagonals.

What is the first value written that is larger than your puzzle input?


Day 4

Part 1

A new system policy has been put in place that requires all accounts to use a passphrase instead of simply a password. A passphrase consists of a series of words (lowercase letters) separated by spaces.

To ensure security, a valid passphrase must contain no duplicate words.

The system's full passphrase list is available as your puzzle input. How many passphrases are valid?

Part 2

For added security, yet another system policy has been put in place. Now, a valid passphrase must contain no two words that are anagrams of each other - that is, a passphrase is invalid if any word's letters can be rearranged to form any other word in the passphrase.

Under this new system policy, how many passphrases are valid?


Day 5

Part 1

An urgent interrupt arrives from the CPU: it's trapped in a maze of jump instructions, and it would like assistance from any programs with spare cycles to help find the exit.

The message includes a list of the offsets for each jump. Jumps are relative: -1 moves to the previous instruction, and 2 skips the next one. Start at the first instruction in the list. The goal is to follow the jumps until one leads outside the list.

In addition, these instructions are a little strange; after each jump, the offset of that instruction increases by 1. So, if you come across an offset of 3, you would move three instructions forward, but change it to a 4 for the next time it is encountered.

How many steps does it take to reach the exit?

Part 2

Now, the jumps are even stranger: after each jump, if the offset was three or more, instead decrease it by 1. Otherwise, increase it by 1 as before.

How many steps does it now take to reach the exit?


Day 6

Part 1

A debugger program here is having an issue: it is trying to repair a memory reallocation routine, but it keeps getting stuck in an infinite loop.

In this area, there are sixteen memory banks; each memory bank can hold any number of blocks. The goal of the reallocation routine is to balance the blocks between the memory banks.

The reallocation routine operates in cycles. In each cycle, it finds the memory bank with the most blocks (ties won by the lowest-numbered memory bank) and redistributes those blocks among the banks. To do this, it removes all of the blocks from the selected bank, then moves to the next (by index) memory bank and inserts one of the blocks. It continues doing this until it runs out of blocks; if it reaches the last memory bank, it wraps around to the first one.

The debugger would like to know how many redistributions can be done before a blocks-in-banks configuration is produced that has been seen before.

Given the initial block counts in your puzzle input, how many redistribution cycles must be completed before a configuration is produced that has been seen before?

Part 2

Out of curiosity, the debugger would also like to know the size of the loop: starting from a state that has already been seen, how many block redistribution cycles must be performed before that same state is seen again?

How many cycles are in the infinite loop that arises from the configuration in your puzzle input?


Day 7

Part 1

Wandering further through the circuits of the computer, you come upon a tower of programs that have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble. A recursive algorithm has gotten out of hand, and now they're balanced precariously in a large tower.

One program at the bottom supports the entire tower. It's holding a large disc, and on the disc are balanced several more sub-towers. At the bottom of these sub-towers, standing on the bottom disc, are other programs, each holding their own disc, and so on. At the very tops of these sub-sub-sub-...-towers, many programs stand simply keeping the disc below them balanced but with no disc of their own.

You offer to help, but first you need to understand the structure of these towers. You ask each program to yell out their name, their weight, and (if they're holding a disc) the names of the programs immediately above them balancing on that disc. You write this information down (your puzzle input). Unfortunately, in their panic, they don't do this in an orderly fashion; by the time you're done, you're not sure which program gave which information.

Before you're ready to help them, you need to make sure your information is correct. What is the name of the bottom program?

Part 2

The programs explain the situation: they can't get down. Rather, they could get down, if they weren't expending all of their energy trying to keep the tower balanced. Apparently, one program has the wrong weight, and until it's fixed, they're stuck here.

For any program holding a disc, each program standing on that disc forms a sub-tower. Each of those sub-towers are supposed to be the same weight, or the disc itself isn't balanced. The weight of a tower is the sum of the weights of the programs in that tower.


Day 8

Part 1

You receive a signal directly from the CPU. Because of your recent assistance with jump instructions, it would like you to compute the result of a series of unusual register instructions.

Each instruction consists of several parts: the register to modify, whether to increase or decrease that register's value, the amount by which to increase or decrease it, and a condition. If the condition fails, skip the instruction without modifying the register. The registers all start at 0. The instructions look like this:

b inc 5 if a > 1
a inc 1 if b < 5
c dec -10 if a >= 1
c inc -20 if c == 10

These instructions would be processed as follows:

  • Because a starts at 0, it is not greater than 1, and so b is not modified.
  • a is increased by 1 (to 1) because b is less than 5 (it is 0).
  • c is decreased by -10 (to 10) because a is now greater than or equal to 1 (it is 1).
  • c is increased by -20 (to -10) because c is equal to 10.

After this process, the largest value in any register is 1.

You might also encounter <= (less than or equal to) or != (not equal to). However, the CPU doesn't have the bandwidth to tell you what all the registers are named, and leaves that to you to determine.

What is the largest value in any register after completing the instructions in your puzzle input?

Part 2

To be safe, the CPU also needs to know the highest value held in any register during this process so that it can decide how much memory to allocate to these operations. For example, in the above instructions, the highest value ever held was 10 (in register c after the third instruction was evaluated).


Day 9

Part 1

A large stream blocks your path. According to the locals, it's not safe to cross the stream at the moment because it's full of garbage. You look down at the stream; rather than water, you discover that it's a stream of characters.

Your goal is to find the total score for all groups in your input. Each group is assigned a score which is one more than the score of the group that immediately contains it. (The outermost group gets a score of 1.)

What is the total score for all groups in your input?

Part 2

Now, you're ready to remove the garbage.

To prove you've removed it, you need to count all of the characters within the garbage. The leading and trailing < and > don't count, nor do any canceled characters or the ! doing the canceling.

How many non-canceled characters are within the garbage in your puzzle input?


Day 10

Part 1

You come across some programs that are trying to implement a software emulation of a hash based on knot-tying. The hash these programs are implementing isn't very strong, but you decide to help them anyway. You make a mental note to remind the Elves later not to invent their own cryptographic functions.

To achieve this, begin with a list of numbers from 0 to 255, a current position which begins at 0 (the first element in the list), a skip size (which starts at 0), and a sequence of lengths (your puzzle input). Then, for each length:

  • Reverse the order of that length of elements in the list, starting with the element at the current position.
  • Move the current position forward by that length plus the skip size.
  • Increase the skip size by one.

The list is circular; if the current position and the length try to reverse elements beyond the end of the list, the operation reverses using as many extra elements as it needs from the front of the list. If the current position moves past the end of the list, it wraps around to the front. Lengths larger than the size of the list are invalid.

However, you should instead use the standard list size of 256 (with values 0 to 255) and the sequence of lengths in your puzzle input. Once this process is complete, what is the result of multiplying the first two numbers in the list?

Part 2

First, from now on, your input should be taken not as a list of numbers, but as a string of bytes instead. Unless otherwise specified, convert characters to bytes using their ASCII codes. This will allow you to handle arbitrary ASCII strings, and it also ensures that your input lengths are never larger than 255. For example, if you are given 1,2,3, you should convert it to the ASCII codes for each character: 49,44,50,44,51.

Once you have determined the sequence of lengths to use, add the following lengths to the end of the sequence: 17, 31, 73, 47, 23. For example, if you are given 1,2,3, your final sequence of lengths should be 49,44,50,44,51,17,31,73,47,23 (the ASCII codes from the input string combined with the standard length suffix values).

Second, instead of merely running one round like you did above, run a total of 64 rounds, using the same length sequence in each round. The current position and skip size should be preserved between rounds. For example, if the previous example was your first round, you would start your second round with the same length sequence (3, 4, 1, 5, 17, 31, 73, 47, 23, now assuming they came from ASCII codes and include the suffix), but start with the previous round's current position (4) and skip size (4).

Once the rounds are complete, you will be left with the numbers from 0 to 255 in some order, called the sparse hash. Your next task is to reduce these to a list of only 16 numbers called the dense hash. To do this, use numeric bitwise XOR to combine each consecutive block of 16 numbers in the sparse hash (there are 16 such blocks in a list of 256 numbers). So, the first element in the dense hash is the first sixteen elements of the sparse hash XOR'd together, the second element in the dense hash is the second sixteen elements of the sparse hash XOR'd together, etc.

erform this operation on each of the sixteen blocks of sixteen numbers in your sparse hash to determine the sixteen numbers in your dense hash.

Finally, the standard way to represent a Knot Hash is as a single hexadecimal string; the final output is the dense hash in hexadecimal notation. Because each number in your dense hash will be between 0 and 255 (inclusive), always represent each number as two hexadecimal digits (including a leading zero as necessary). So, if your first three numbers are 64, 7, 255, they correspond to the hexadecimal numbers 40, 07, ff, and so the first six characters of the hash would be 4007ff. Because every Knot Hash is sixteen such numbers, the hexadecimal representation is always 32 hexadecimal digits (0-f) long.

Treating your puzzle input as a string of ASCII characters, what is the Knot Hash of your puzzle input? Ignore any leading or trailing whitespace you might encounter.


Day 11

Part 1

Crossing the bridge, you've barely reached the other side of the stream when a program comes up to you, clearly in distress. "It's my child process," she says, "he's gotten lost in an infinite grid!"

Fortunately for her, you have plenty of experience with infinite grids.

Unfortunately for you, it's a hex grid.

You have the path the child process took. Starting where he started, you need to determine the fewest number of steps required to reach him. (A "step" means to move from the hex you are in to any adjacent hex.)

Part 2

How many steps away is the furthest he ever got from his starting position?
