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AI YouTube Video Summarizer (yt2info) v1.1.2

What is this? 🤔

It's simple. You just paste in the URL of a YouTube Video, select the language of the Video and click "Generate". After waiting for a few seconds the Website will spit out a Summary of all the facts and information listed in the Video. This works best for Informational Videos and/or Tutorials.

What are the Limitations? ⚠️

Right now, there are a few limitations:

  • Video Length: Can't be longer than 8-10 minutes. This is due to the OpenAI Model I'm using (davinci-text-003), which has a token limit.
  • Subtitles: Only works on videos with native subtitles. Auto-generated subtitles don't count.

But hey, I'm already working on fixes!

Is this Free? 🆓

Yes! Like everything what I do this is completely free to use, without any advertisements or hidden payments. The only bit of advertising is a little banner at the top offering you to donate to me. I pay for everything from hosting to domains to APIs and Memberships needed out of my own pocket, so even just a few dollars would help me massively. No obligations though!

Do I need an Account? 🆔

Not yet, but chances are that I will have to implement an account system later down the line. The reasons for that have to do with legal bullsh*t. I need to be able to restrict access to certain people in case of abuse of my tool, so accounts are the easiest way to go. But those won't contain any more info than your E-Mail and Password, and everything will be saved in an encrypted state on a secure server.

Is any data being collected? 🕵️

You will find the long answer in the Privacy Policy (which is only in german for now but i am working on an english translation already), but the short answer is pretty much no. I collect absolutely nothing. No cookies, no IPs, I store absolutely nothing about the user (until accounts are implemented at least).

What are the Plans for the Future? 🚀

Well as I already said, accounts will be a thing sooner or later. I am also planning on implementing speech recognition so that absolutely ANY video works with my tool, not just ones with subtitles. But that will need a lot of computational power, and might only be available to Ko-fi supporters... we'll see. Lastly I want to make the website usable for Mobile users. That will most likely be the very next update, because right now the page is practically unusable on a phone.

Wow... that was a lot of words. Thank you for reading all of this (or not lol), if this seems useful to you, feel free to check it out at https://yt2info.de! 💜✨