A fake mini AirBnB clone built as a student project using Mojolicious and Postgres.
- the login system supports
- salted passwords
- transparently upgrading hashing algorithms and replacing old server secrets
- preventing timing attacks to determine if an user (email) exists on the system
- mock data can be generated
- supports database migrations
- the availability algorithm checks the following:
- start and stop dates for the availability request
- the property's configured minimum days of notice before booking
- the property's current rentals
- the property's limit for future rentals
- if applicable, the property's explicitly specified availability blocks
- (anything causing unavailiability is reported to the user)
- the guest view supports finding any property availabile over any timeframe in a given city
- guests can request a rental on available properties
- hosts can accept rental requests
- hosts and guests get a message confirming the rental
- admins can view overall occupancy of properties