
backend repo for the emergency response project team 2017

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo represents the backend development work for the Emergency Response Team of Hack Oregon 2016-17 Project Season. The development and deployment chain is modeled on the pattern contained here:



  • Docker or Docker toolkit
  • Database Read-Only Credentials (assumes AWS, otherwise updated settings.py and project_config.py accordingly, Contact Emergency Response Team)
  • Travis-CI (not required for local dev)
  • Cluster deployment keys - Contact the DevOps team (not required for local dev)
  • ECS Service Name - Contact the DevOps team (not required for local dev)


This API is built using Docker and Docker-Compose installed.


This project was setup in a single database environment. Development, testing, and production have been connecting to same database. Prior to granting any write access to API, especially for testing ensure to change:

  1. The database credentials below will need to change to no longer override the "TEST_NAME" to 'fire', change other db creds as needed. It will then create a 'test_fire' database to run tests on. One will need to create method for loading test data.
  2. Ultimately to destroy the test db with each run you will remove the --keepdb argument from the test scripts.

To Setup:

To run the API for the first time:

  1. In the /emerresponseAPI folder create a file project_config.py. Make sure env.sh is in the .gitignore and .dockerignore:

    AWS = { 'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis', 'NAME': '<YOUR_AWS_DB_NAME>', 'HOST': '<YOUR_AWS_DB_NAME>', 'USER': '<YOUR_AWS_DB_NAME>', 'PASSWORD': '<YOUR_AWS_DB_NAME>', }


  2. Create env.sh in the project ./bin folder. Make sure env.sh is in the .gitignore and .dockerignore (You will provide values if deploying to your own cluster. For the Hack Oregon project, consult the team.):

       export DOCKER_REPO=<NOT HERE>
       export DOCKER_IMAGE=<NOT HERE>
       export DEPLOY_TARGET=<NOT HERE>
       export CONFIG_BUCKET=<NOT HERE>
       export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<NOT HERE>
       echo "##############################"
       echo  Your Local Project Environment
       echo "##############################"
  3. From project root run:

    $ ./bin/build-proj.sh -l (flag is for local)

Allow process to run, should build in a few minutes.

  1. Run the tests: $ ./bin/test-proj.sh -l

  2. To start project locally:

    $ ./bin/start-proj.sh -l

  3. Access the swagger docs at:

    $ http://localhost:8000/emergency

  4. Consult here for CI/CD info: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend-service-pattern

  5. For changes in the django code, stop the container and re-run the start-proj.sh command.

  6. For any changes to the docker image, additions to the pip packages (requirements.txt), or other non-code changes rerun the build-proj.sh command.

  7. If you are receiving a 'permission denied' notification on any of the shell commands, they may have lost the executable permission. run: $ chmod +x ./bin/. should correct the problem. You may choose to run command on individual files as well.

API Info:

## to view admin page/browsable endpoints

## open your browser in host machine

## for endpoints preview:

$ http://localhost:8000/emergency/<endpoint>

## ie:

$ http://localhost:8000/emergency/agencies


Pagination currently set to 50
## To select page:

Thank You:

Thanks to all the members of the Hack Oregon Team. This repo represents the work of many volunteers including the Hack Oregon 2017 Emergency Response and DevOps teams.