
ConcurrentQueue implemented in c++, the algorithms involved are also used in Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue (Java Platform SE 8 ).

Primary LanguageC++


ConcurrentQueue implemented in c++, the algorithms involved are also used in Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue (Java Platform SE 8 ).


  • Thread-safe and Lock-free.
  • Singly-linked list with a sentinel node.
  • Support Multi-producer & Multi-consumer.
  • Dynamic size.
  • Dynamically allocate and deallocate nodes.
  • Use Hazard Pointer with RAII style to avoid ABA problems and manage memory.


I've compared it with another ConcurrentLinkedQueue implematation LockFreeQueue, and their efficiency are almost the same.See test.


make && ./test


void Enqueue(const T& data);
void Enqueue(T&& data);
void Emplace(Arg&&... args);
bool Dequeue(T& data);
size_t size() const;


[1]Hazard Pointers: Safe Memory Reclamation for Lock-Free Objects. Maged M. Michael
[2]Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms. Maged M. Michael Michael L. Scott