
Misc EPICS setup scripts

Primary LanguageShell

EPICS Environment Setup Files
epicsReset.bash, .csh - Resets PATHs and key env vars and sources epicsSetup
                        (Use especially if env has been set already for
                         another project like PEPII or SPEAR)
epicsSetup.bash, .csh - Sets PATHs and other env vars, sources envSet
envSet.sh,       .csh - Sets EPICS base env vars
envSetLocal.sh,  .csh - Overrides envSet env vars for users that want to
                        use ONLY a CA server running locally
jcaSetup.bash,   .csh - Copies the appropriate JCALibrary.properties to
                        the user's ~/.JCALibrary area (see note below)
epicsEnvSetDev,Dmz,Prod  - Script to invoke from a RTEMS or soft IOC startup 
                        file to set common non-default environment variables 
			for development IOCs, production IOCs on the DMZ
			subnet, or production IOCs on the private network. 

If you change any EPICS environment variables in envSet.*, also make the 
same change to the appropriate epicsEnvSet file.

If you change any environment variables, such as EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST, 
in envSet.* or envSetLocal.*, also make the same change to the counterpart 
java property in the JCALibrary.properties.remote or .local file 
(ie, for EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST this would be property
gov.aps.jca.jni.JNIContext.addr_list). JCALibrary.properties is read by some 
java tools which use jca, such as xal apps and the vdct jca plugin. 

The JCALibrary.properties file is copied to the user's home directory using 
jcaSetup.* by any executable script that needs the latest
JCALibrary.properties file (ie, xal apps and vdct). 

Java jars that use jca and that want to deviate from the java properties
established in JCALibrary.properties can use the "java -D<propertyName=value>" 
command line option. For a useage example, 
see script 