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MiCE 5992 Getting Started Guide

To set up your MSI account for using QIIME, please follow these steps:

Get your login info for MSI

Connect to MSI with SSH

Windows users

Mac/Linux users

  • Open the "Terminal" application. On a Mac you can click the search button (magnifying glass) and type "Terminal" to find the application.
  • Enter this command into the terminal, using your username in place of yourusername:

ssh yourusername@login.msi.umn.edu

  • Enter your password
  • You should now be connected.

Run the setup command

Copy this command, paste it into your terminal, and press "return"

wget -O setup.sh z.umn.edu/5992setup && chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh

Run this additional command. It's OK to get two "File exists" errors:

    mkdir ~/.config; mkdir ~/.config/matplotlib; echo "backend: agg" >> ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc

Run a test script

Run the following commands on the MSI terminal:


module load qiime/1.8.0


This should print out some details about your QIIME configuration and should not return any errors. If so, you are now ready to use MSI and QIIME.

Install Filezilla to transfer files to/from MSI

Download and install Filezilla from here: https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client

Instructions for connecting to MSI can be found here (Step 4): http://gabedev.com/3004/software_guide/

Thanks to Gabe Al-Ghalith for these instructions!

Get a VPN working

MSI won't let you connect directly unless you are on campus. To access your files from home, you will need to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

Windows users see step 7 in Gabe's instructions here: http://gabedev.com/3004/software_guide/

Mac users try the "Native Client for MAC using IPSec" instructions here: https://it.umn.edu/downloads-guides-install-ipsec-native

If those don't work, see more options here: https://it.umn.edu/downloads-guides