This is a is a virtual storefront project built using C# within the ASP.NET Core framework. It is a site that displays listings of products for sale with the ability to dive into each of the individual product pages to have access to more information. From there, products will be able to be added to a cart and also purchased with a specific customer chosen.
- Build a relevant e-commerce marketplace complete with orders, customers, and products.
- Practicing object relational mapping with Entity.
- Implement search function for displaying specified results on pages.
- Developing my skills in C# and ASP.NET Core.
- Combines multiple models together with many-to-many relationships.
- Accepts image urls to display product photos.
- Form validations screen incoming data prior to entering database.
- Secures sensitive user information using hashing.
- Connects to MySQL database via Entity ORM.
- Used Twitter Bootstrap for basic styling.
- Secure connection strings using dependency injection.