
Tool for species-level segregation of camera-trap images. The 'Species Segregator' is currently trained for Central Indian Landscape.

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On this page

What is SpSeg?
    SpSeg models
    Training data
How to Use SpSeg?
    Setting up the tools
      Camera-Trap image data organization
    Running SpSeg
How to use the output to process the images?
Further development
Citing SpSeg and License information

What is SpSeg?

'SpSeg' (short for 'Species Segregator) is a Machine-learning tool for species-level segregation of camera-trap images originating from wildlife census and studies. SpSeg is currently trained specifically for the Central Indian landscape .

SpSeg is part of Microsoft's MegaDetector ecosystem and works as a second-step to species level segregation of camera-trap images. The approach in MegaDetector pipeline is to first classify the images into Animal, Person, Vehicle and Blank, followed by a fine level classification of Animal images into useful taxonomic classes.

📝 Check out this detailed overview of the approach in a Medium article and an explainer by Dan Morris on why this two-step process.

SpSeg model identifies an Indian fox within the bounding box.

SpSeg models

We initially trained different CNN architecture models from keras (see the results below). We found two models performing well - SpSeg_x.hdf5 and SpSeg_r152v2.hdf5 - and have tested those on various field datasets. SpSeg_x.hdf5 is an Xception model that achieved 88.9% test accuracy, and SpSeg_r152v2.hdf5 is a ResNet152v2 model that achieved 89.2% test accuracy. Find the models from a publicly shared SpSeg_Models Google Drive folder.

Results of initial trained models

The models in different architectures were trained for 100 ephocs each with the same training and test dataset.

Architecture avg top-1 acc Architecture avg top-1 acc
Xception 88.9% InceptionResNetv2 89.2%
ResNet50 88.5% ResNet50v2 87.5%
ResNet101 88.8% ResNet101v2 89.1%
ResNet152 82.0% ResNet152v2 89.2%

Training data

SpSeg models can currently segregate 36 commonly encountered species (or taxonomic class) in camera-trap surveys in the Eastern Vidarbha Landscape, Maharashtra, India. A maximum of 5000 images were randomly selected for each species from our image dataset to train the models. The models were trained with 70% of the selected data, while 15% images were used for validation and remaining 15% were used for testing. Therefore, species with more than 5000 images in our image dataset (table below) have better accuracy, except sexually dimorphic species like Nilgai.

Species Scientific name Image set Species Scientific name Image set
00_barking_deer Muntiacus muntjak 7920 18_langur Semnopithecus entellus 12913
01_birds Excluding fowls 2005 19_leopard Panthera pardus 7449
02_buffalo Bubalus bubalis 7265 20_rhesus_macaque Macaca mulatta 5086
03_spotted_deer Axis axis 45790 21_nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus 6864
04_four_horned_antelope Tetracerus quadricornis 6383 22_palm_squirrel Funambulus palmarum & Funambulus pennantii 1854
05_common_palm_civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus 8571 23_indian_peafowl Pavo cristatus 10534
06_cow Bos taurus 7031 24_ratel Mellivora capensis 5751
07_dog Canis lupus familiaris 4150 25_rodents Several mouse, rat, gerbil and vole species 4992
08_gaur Bos gaurus 14646 26_mongooses Urva edwardsii & Urva smithii 5716
09_goat Capra hircus 3959 27_rusty_spotted_cat Prionailurus rubiginosus 1649
10_golden_jackal Canis aureus 2189 28_sambar Rusa unicolor 28040
11_hare Lepus nigricollis 8403 29_domestic_sheep Ovis aries 2891
12_striped_hyena Hyaena hyaena 2303 30_sloth_bear Melursus ursinus 6348
13_indian_fox Vulpes bengalensis 379 31_small_indian_civet Viverricula indica 4187
14_indian_pangolin Manis crassicaudata 1442 32_tiger Panthera tigris 9111
15_indian_porcupine Hystrix indica 5090 33_wild_boar Sus scrofa 18871
16_jungle_cat Felis chaus 4376 34_wild_dog Cuon alpinus 7743
17_jungle_fowls Includes Gallus gallus, Gallus sonneratii & Galloperdix spadicea 4760 35_indian_wolf Canis lupus pallipes 553

How to Use SpSeg?

The best place to start is the User Guide of SpSeg, which covers the process in details.

SpSeg model (either SpSeg_x.hdf5 or SpSeg_r152v2.hdf5) reads the results of MegaDetector and classifies the animal images into species (or a defined biological taxonomic level). Therefore, both the models (detector and classifier) are required to run simultaneously on the images.

📝 You can find more about how you can run MegaDetector on your images from this official MegaDetecor GitHub page.

⚠️ Keep in mind that the SpSeg is developed with MDv4. Although MDv5 has been launched, at this moment we recommend to stick with MDv4. We shall integrate SpSeg tools with MDv5 in future updates.

Setting up the tools

These instructions are quite similar to the instruction for MegaDetector installation, where more details could be found. For technical details check the official websites of the mentioned software.

Step 1. Installation

Download and install Anaconda (or Miniconda). Installing Git is optional, but recommended to keep your repo updated. The latest NVIDIA drivers need to be checked if you are using a GPU.

Step 2. Access the detector and classifier models

Download MegaDetector model v4.1.0 and SpSeg models and keep at an accessible location. These instructions assume that the models are downloaded to a folder called c:\spseg_models.

Step 3. Clone git repo and set Python environment

There is no need to setup a separate MegaDetector environment, which is incorporated in the codes here. We are giving the instructions for Windows machines only, which is expected to work on Linux machines in a similar way. The environment is not tested on Mac.

Open Anaconda Prompt and make sure you have not opened an Anaconda Powershell Prompt or Windows Command Prompt. It should look something like this with the name of environment in the parenthesis:

Run the following commands one by one to download SpSeg repo from GitHub:

mkdir c:\git
cd c:\git
git clone https://github.com/bhlab/SpSeg

The commnads above are suggestions. git command will work at any directory and you can download GitHub repo wherever you find it convinient. Alternatively, you can download the SpSeg repo as zip folder and unzip it to a desired location.

⚠️ If your computer does not have a CUDA-supported GPU--> Go to the local SpSeg repo folder and open environment_SpSeg.yml file in notepad, change the dependency tensorflow-gpu to tensorflow and save the file.

Next, you need to enter where SpSeg repo is located using cd command:

cd c:\git\spseg
conda env create --file environment_SpSeg.yml

You are all set to run SpSeg! 🎉

Camera-Trap image data organization

We assume that your camera-trap data was organized in either of the following directory structures:
The first structure arrives when a single camera was placed at the station, while the second structure arrives when A and B cameras were placed facing each other. The directory before Station ID (dataDir) could include site ID, range ID and/or block ID.

Running SpSeg

Next time when you open Anaconda Prompt, first you need to activate SpSeg environment:

conda activate SpSeg

and then locate the SpSeg tools folder.

cd c:\git\spseg\tools

Which should look something like this:

The main tool to use SpSeg models is run_spseg.py

Once you are in the right setup (environment and tools folder), the following command calls detector and classifier models and runs over all the images:

python run_spseg.py "C:\spseg_models\md_v4.1.0.pb" "D:\dataDir" --recursive --spseg_model " C:\spseg_models\SpSeg_r152v2.hdf5" "D:\dataDir\data_output.json"

"D:\dataDir" is the location (local or on network server) where your organized camera-trap images are stored. You can set the path and name of the output file at "D:\dataDir\data_output.json".

The above command returns a .json directory for each image with detector tags for animal, person or vehicle, and species tags for animals (both the tags with a confident value).

💡 The image paths are retuned as absolute, which creates mismatches during further processing of the data specially if processing is carried out on a different system. Therefore, the best practice is to get the image paths as relative and keep the output file within image folder.

Relative paths in the output can be returned by setting the flag for it:

python run_spseg.py "C:\spseg_models\md_v4.1.0.pb" "C:\dataDir" --recursive --spseg_model " C:\spseg_models\SpSeg_ r152v2.hdf5" "C:\dataDir\data_output.json" -- output_relative_filenames

How to use the output to process the images?

AI-tools are not 100% accurate. Therefore, a workflow is required to process the output and correct for the errors. Currently, there are two approaches to process the output and finalize the identification/segregation of the images for further analyses-

  1. Using Timelapse to review the images (only for Microsoft Windows systems),
  2. Using an Image file manager system like Windows File Explorer, ExifPro, IrfanView or FastStone.

Detailed instructions on these workflows are provided in the User Guide of SpSeg.

Further development

We have in pipeline- 1. integration with MegaDetector version 5. 2. developement of DigiKam based workflow, 3. Further refinement of the SpSeg models (particularlly for dimorphic ungulate species and species with small dataset), and 4. Addition of more species, e.g. we missed out on the elephant in the current models.

So stay tuned!

Also, if you have any suggestion for additional species or would like to add to training dataset, reach out to us (bh@wii.gov.in) to Participate!


Cite the use of SpSeg models as:

Shrotriya, Shivam; Guthula, Venkanna Babu; Mondal, Indranil; and Habib, Bilal (2022). SpSeg User's Guide, version 1.0. TR No. 2022/29. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India.

And, don't forget to cite MegaDetector (without which SpSeg won't even exist):

Beery, Sara; Morris, Dan; and Yang, Siyu (2019). Efficient Pipeline for Camera Trap Image Review. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.06772


SpSeg models and tools are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Find details on the terms of the license here.

Dr Bilal Habib's lab (BHlab) at Wildlife Institute India, Dehradun, India is a collaborator in the development, evaluation and use of MegaDetector model. Development of SpSeg was supported by Microsoft AI for Earth (Grant ID:00138001338). We thank Mahrastra Forest Department for funding long term research in the state of Maharashtra. Kathan Bandopadhyay helped in preparing training dataset. The researchers and volunteers are thanked for their time for reviewing and testing the tools in real workfow.