- 0
PGN parsing problem
#120 opened by johu56 - 2
Check if a move is pseudo-legal without generating the list of pseudo-legal moves
#114 opened by fathzer - 2
Is possible to check special moves?
#119 opened by 9acca9 - 1
- 1
How to configure legal moves?
#117 opened by rabestro - 3
- 1
Legal Move list not complete
#113 opened by grabbe-bryghtlabs - 1
Issue in readme markdown
#111 opened by prak30 - 1
Critical Issue with isLegalMove()
#112 opened by Jochengehtab - 1
How do you get the best move in a position?
#108 opened by LeonMerchel - 6
What is happening with pawns?
#110 opened by thehagimy - 0
PGN changes when loading then running game.toPgn
#109 opened by deckweiss - 3
Comment e Nag
#73 opened by marciusbrandao - 2
Why the game object initialization depends on player property during parsing pgn?
#99 opened by intothephone - 1
How to get legal moves for White/Black side
#105 opened by jalpp - 1
- 0
- 1
Support For board state to Image
#101 opened by jalpp - 4
Review and improve Javadoc
#90 opened by alessandrodalbello - 0
Higher coverage of unit tests
#94 opened by alessandrodalbello - 0
- 1
Nested variations handling
#92 opened by WolandPL - 0
Upgrade to Java 11
#91 opened by alessandrodalbello - 0
JProfiler, Perft and performance observations
#89 opened by osvitashev - 1
How to validate the move?
#81 opened by imanishpr - 0
Support for and compatible implementations for reading and writing PGN and FEN
#83 opened by seize-the-dave - 3
isMoveLegal does not behave as expected
#76 opened by phikui - 1
- 1
- 0
Idiomatic way to traverse a Game
#75 opened by martynasb - 1
- 0
Migrate to Maven Central
#71 opened by thekarthiksankar - 0
Rename "Variation" to "Variant"
#70 opened by ZeroOne3010 - 4
Bug regarding insufficient material
#67 opened by dlbbld - 3
Add more checks for FEN validity when reading FEN
#52 opened by dlbbld - 3
Issues with test cases in UTF-8
#50 opened by dlbbld - 7
Some methods for game end still missing
#41 opened by dlbbld - 2
- 1
Custom PgnLoadListener.notifyProgress not invoked
#61 opened by liebig - 7
Support for SAN for Board
#45 opened by dlbbld - 3
Typo on readme perft()
#57 opened by omarpalacios - 0
Add support for capturing structured data in comments
#58 opened by buzzm - 20
- 3
Threefold detection not working anymore after undoing move (again position hash)
#55 opened by dlbbld - 0
Improvement for insufficient material
#42 opened by dlbbld - 2
Cannot load PGN using starting position
#53 opened by dlbbld - 1
Include board history when comparing two boards
#44 opened by dlbbld - 5
Performance for loading very long games
#46 opened by dlbbld - 2
San generation for castling checkmate move
#47 opened by dlbbld - 7
Board.equals bug
#40 opened by kindex